They can therefore be interpreted on and also used as input to the geobody process.
Seismic attributes are stored as children of the input seismic in the project tree. Seismic attributes for a Seismic Line are just datasets containing the attribute values. Seismic attributes for Seismic Brick Cubes on the other hand are complete Seismic Brick Cubes themselves.
Seismic Trace Attributes
Right-clicking on a Seismic Line or a Seismic Brick Cube and selecting "Seismic Trace Attributes..." pops up the following dialog:
NB! Hovering The Seismic Trace Attributes dialog. Hovering over the name of an attribute in the drop-down list will display a short description of this attribute.
As the name implies these attributes are calculated from the values above and below each sample within a window in the same trace.
The Seismic Trace Attribute value in a sample (green dot) is a function of the seismic amplitude values within a window (green arrows) around the sample on the same trace (black vertical line).
Complex Trace Attributes
A seismic trace (amplitude), x(t) is real, but can be viewed as the real part of an analytical trace: z(t) = x(t) + i*y(t), where i is the imaginary unit and y(t) is the Quadrature Amplitude.
Represents the Root Mean Square of the instantaneous power spectrum and its unit is Hz.
Relationships between the Instantanenous Frequency (center frequency), Dominat Frequency (RMS frequency) and the Instantaneous Bandwidth (spectral bandwidth). From "Instantaneous spectral bandwidth and dominant frequency with applications to seismic reflection data" by Arthur E. Barnes.
Other Trace Attributes