Seismic Server
Install the Seismic Server object extension (SOE) onto your ArcGIS Server
Import one or more 2D seismic files using the Ground Model add-in.
Copy the seismic amplitude raster files to the server
Update the URL column in the seismic feature class to reflect the location on server
Publish det feature class
Web client
Install the web client widgets in the Portal for use with ArcGIS Web App Builder.
In the portal, create a map with the seismic navigation features you just published
In the portal create a new web app using web app builder and choose the map you just created as the main map.
Add the Geocap Viewer as one of your widgets.
Install the Geocap Ground Model add-in for ArcGIS Pro and locate the Ground Model toolbox in the geoprocessing list of toolboxes.
Open the tool SEG-Y Reader.
Proceed with importing a seismic 2D SEG-Y file. For the purposes of this manual you should
Store the amplitude rasters as files and not in the GDB : In the field called target workspace for rasters choose a folder location on your machine.
Ensure that amplitude rasters are created and not just navigation features by setting Sample output format to 32_BIT_FLOAT.
Click Run to proceed with the import.
Import seismics as described here.
Using the Ground Model add-in in Pro verify that the seismics have been imported correctly.
You may also verify that the amplitude raster tifs seismic files are found in the folder you specified as target workspace for rasterswhen converting SEG-Y files to VDS files.
There are three steps involved when publishing seismics:
Copy the amplitude rasters seismic VDS files to the server or cloud
Update the feature class to reflect the new location on the server
Publishing the feature class
We will now go through each of these steps.
Copying the
seismic files
This is simply a matter of copying all the amplitude rasters seismic files to a suitable location on the ArcGIS Server machine . or in the cloud Note : ArcGIS server needs to have read-access to this location. Make a note of the location - for this example we will assume it is c:/seismic_rasters. For copying seismic VDS files to the cloud. see /wiki/spaces/GFA/pages/2737078273.
Update the seismic feature class
Make a copy of the seismic feature class
Open the tool Update Seismic URL in the Ground Model toolbox
Select the newly copied feature class.
In the field Seimic Raster Workspace enter the path to the location on the server containing the rastersseismioc files, ie c:/seismic_rasters.
Run the tool.
Open the attribute table for the feature class and verify that the URL column points to the correct location on the server.
In Pro , make a map containing the feature navigation using the feature class for which you updated the URL to point to the server raster seismic file locations.
Click Share -> Web Layer and proceed to publish the map. Note : In the configuration pane check the box called Seismic Server
Complete the publishing process and make a note of the final url for the layer containing the navigation (not the url to the toplevel map service).
In the ArcGIS Portal create a map containing the seismic navigation layer in the map service you just published. Save and make a note of the name.
In ArcGIS Portal create a new web app using the built-in Web App builder in Portal.
Choose your newly created map as basemap for the application.
Choose the Dashboard theme.
Add a widget by clicking the Widget button in the upper part of the Widgets pane.
In the widget selector dialog click the Custom pane.
Click Geocap Viewer and click OK.
In the field Location of Geocap JS you should enter the url of the Geocap javascript code that makes up the inner workings of the widget. This file is frequently updated and you should probably have been handed a URL to the latest version by Geocap. If not you can use the following url : https://geocap.geodata.no/api/2.23/geocap.23.21.2185.js
Close the dialog
In the main web app builder layout click the Modify Layout button on the right. Delete all windows except the map and the Geocap Viewer. Resize so that they each fill about 50% of available space.
Add the built-in widgets Select and Layer List.
Save and click Launch
Your web app is ready for use.