Update cube towards wells in workspace checkshot_name. Moving average is the default interpolator.
check checkstart checkstop. Remove cells that has an unacceptable range within checkstart checkstop velocity.
disk - Apply disk for temporary datasets. Used to save memory and recommended for large cube gridding.
tensor - Update using b-spline tensor. [max radius]. Optionally use a max radius. [fac factor]. Optionally use a radius factor.
conic - Update using conic shape. [rad radius]. Optionally use a radius value.
two - The format of the well string is x y z two_way_travel_time. Default if not specified is x y z one_way_travel_time
cube - The format of the well string is the same as the cube: x y time cube_velocity.
Smooth cube with gaussian filter.
Write out the z values of the cube as inlines and crosslines to an external file.
write [lim limlimit_value*] _inlinestart xlinestart inlinestop xlinestop filename.
Write out cube to file filename.
lim limit_value - Apply a limit and a limit_value for the number of nodes written out to test the procedure.
inlinestart xlinestart inlinestop xlinestop - Specify start and stop of inlines and crosslines to be written out.
filename - Specify file name of output.