Specify values according to the chosen method.
For Increment
the options are:
- Bold line every: Will be valid for the Dxf ASCII format only. Set the attribute Bathy_Major on (for instance) every 5th contour line and Bathy_Minor on the ordinary contours.
- Use min level: Define the shallowest contour level to create.
- Use max level: Define the deepest contour level to create.
Values the options are:
- Contour value (m): Enter a value to enter in the list belov. Note that the decimal sign is dependent on the language settings for your computer (dot or comma).
- The Append value button: Click this button to add the contour value to the list. The list will automatically be sorted.
- The Remove Selected button: Select one or more contour values in the list and the remove by clicking this button.
- The Remove All button: Clicking this button will remove all the values in the list.
For AML contours the options are:
- Data compilation scale: Typical production scale for the AML. The contour lines are defined with different vertical increment for three dfined bands. The default values are for compilation scale 1:50,000.