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{alias:cha} h2. Name *cha* --- Change value of point coordinates h2. Syntax {panel:|borderStyle=solid|borderWidth=1|bgColor=#ffffaa} *cha* \[*value*] \[*xyz*] \[*num*] \[*cel*] {panel} h2. Description Change z values of point coordinates in active dataset. If no argument is specified, *cha* will change the value of the point closest to the cursor position. The cursor position is set by pointing in the graphic window and typing a *p* on the keyboard or just right click when in 2d mode. h2. Arguments No argument. The value of the point closest to the cursor position is set to 0. *value* _value_ {indent} The z value of the point closest to the cursor position is set to _value_ {indent} *xyz* {indent} When cursor position is used, the xyz coordinates is taken from the cursor. If *value* is specified it is assigned to the z coordinate. {indent} *num* _value_ {indent} The z-value of point number num is changed to _value_. {indent} *cel* _num_ _value_ {indent} The z-values of all points in cell number _num_ are changed to _value_. {indent} h2. Related command *Edit point and lines* The main command object for editing points and lines which also utilizes the *cha* command. h2. See also [del - Delete points and cells], [edi - Edit cursor values], [mov - Move points] {pagebreak} |
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