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Wiki Markup
h2. Name

*qmenu* — pulldown or right-click menu

h2. Syntax

*qmenu* \[_title_]


h2. Description

The *qmenu* command creates a QMenu object. The command may take an optional title argument. A QMenu object may appear as a pulldown menu, a rightclick menu, or a submenu. Menus may be attached to actions, menubars, toolbuttons, other menus, or set as right-click menus in QTreeWidget objects. The QMenu becomes the current widget. 

h2. Arguments
The text at the point where the menu is attached. If the menu is a pulldown menu along a menubar, the text will appear in the menubar. If the menu is a submenu, the text will appear at the point in the parent menu where the submenu is attached. The argument should be omitted when creating a right-click menu. 


h2. Examples

h3. Ex.1: QMenu

# Create QMainWindow with built-in menubar
set w [qmainwindow]
qsetwindowtitle QMenu

# Get menubar from mainwindow
set menubar [qmenubar $w]

# Create 'File' action and add to menubar
set fileaction [qaction File]
qaddaction $menubar $fileaction

# Create pulldown menu and add to file action
set menu [qmenu]
qsetmenu $fileaction $menu

# Populate file menu
set openaction [qaction Open qopenfilename]
qaddaction $menu $openaction

qshow $w



Example +QMenu+ shows a QMainWindow with a 'File' pulldown menu. 

See [qtoolbar] for information on how to attach a pulldown menu to a toolbutton. 
