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h2. Name del — Delete point(s) and cell(s) h2. Syntax {panel:|borderStyle=solid|borderWidth=1|bgColor=#FFFFAA} *del* \[*all | num | cel | cli | dis | dsp | lin | nocle | rep | rpp | spl | upd | poi*] \[*xy | xyz*] *del fd* _fielddataname_ ; # deleting field data {panel} h2. Description Delete operation in a polydata set. Will delete points or cells in polydata. Bla-bla-bla-descriptive text h2. Arguments _LineWidth_ Can also delete field data. h2. Arguments {indent} Explanation-bla-bla with range \[1, 2, 3 ..\].No argument. Delete point closest to cursor position.{indent} all {indent}Delete all *arg1* multiple points.{indent} Explanation-bla-bla for *arg1* num number {indent}Delete *arg2* *red* | *blu* | *gre* | *pin* | *tur* | *yel* | *whi* | *bla* | *bro* {indent} Explanation-bla-bla for *arg2* in color red / blue ... {indent} *arg3* \[_PointSize_\] {indent} Explanation bla-bla- _PointSize_ is a number larger than 0, relative to 1 (default), giving bla-bla. {indent}point number number.{indent} cel [number | lt | gt | nr | rep | undo] {indent}Delete cell actions.{indent} {indent}•No arguments. Delete a whole cell closest to the cursor position. •number - Delete cell number number. •lt | gt distance - Delete cells lower | greater (longer) than distance. •lt | gt number_of_pointsnr - Delete cells with less | more than number_of_points points. Observe the nr syntax at the end. •rep - Cell elements are delete for every cursor pick (use 'p' or work in 2D mode by clicking). •undo - Undo last delete cell action.{indent} cli Delete a cell by a crossing line made by two cursor positions. dis Display a marker at the deleted point. dsp Delete nearest point and split the line in two cells. lin Delete a whole line closest to the cursor. nocle Delete nearest point with 'no clean'. This means sequential delete will update the graphics until the command mak cle, to clean up everything. poi Delete a single point with an alternative algorithm. Will create an immediate update of the dataset. Redisplay the data before continuing. rep Points are delete for every cursor pick (use keyboard p). rpp Mark the point for later delete. del upd will delete the points at the end. spl Split the line in two cells after the nearest point. upd Will delete points marked by rpp. Usefull for large datasets. xy | xyz Use 2D or 3D search for xy or xyz coordinates. 3D is default. fd fielddataname Delete field data of name fielddataname. h2. Examples h3. Ex.1: Title-of-example {noformat:|borderWidth=1|bgColor=#eeeeee} # read any grid xxx arg1 ;# Example bla bla pol ;# Display as polygon {noformat} !att:_img_ref^xxx.png|thumbnail,border=1,width=200! _Result of *xxx* on grid_ h2. See also [yyy], [zzz] |
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