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{alias:mov} h2. Name *mov* — Move points (from) h2. Syntax {panel:|borderStyle=solid|borderWidth=1|bgColor=#FFFFAA} *mov rep | num* \[*xy | xyz*] \[*all*] {panel} h2. Description Move the point nearest to cursor position. Moving is divided in the +from+ position and the +to+ position which requires two *mov* operations. Optionally one can do several move operations in repetetive mode which is favourable for moving many points in sequence. h2. Arguments {indent}No arguments. The *mov* command indicates the from position of the point nearest to cursor. The next command must then be *mov to*.{indent} *to* {indent}The cursor position is the place where the point will be moved to.{indent} *rep* {indent}Repeated move. Will move points by *p* (from), *p* (to), p (from), *p* (to). Terminate with *u*. Alternatively to *p* is just a right_click when in 2D mode.{indent} *num* _number_ {indent}Use point number as the point to be moved.{indent} *all* {indent}Move all multiple points.{indent} *xy | xyz* {indent}Point search in xy (2D) or xyz (3D).{indent} h2. Related command object h3. Edit points and lines The main command object for editing points and lines which also utilizes the *mov* command. h2. See also [cha] , [edi] , [del] |
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