Wiki Markup |
h2. Name
*del* — Delete point(s) and cell(s)
h2. Syntax
*del* \[*all | num | cel | cli | dis | dsp | lin | nocle | rep | rpp | spl | upd | poi*] \[*xy | xyz*]
*del fd* _fielddataname_ ; # deleting field data
h2. Description
Delete operation in a polydata set. Will delete points or cells in polydata. Can also delete field data.
h2. Arguments
{indent}No argument. Delete point closest to cursor position.{indent}
{indent}Delete all multiple points.{indent}
*num* _number_
{indent}Delete point number _number_.{indent}
*cel* \[_number_ | *lt | gt | nr | rep | undo*]
{indent}Delete cell actions.{indent}
{indent}No arguments. Delete a whole cell closest to the cursor position.
_number_ - Delete cell number _number_.
*lt | gt* _distance_ - Delete cells lower | greater (longer) than _distance_.
*lt | gt* _number\_of\_points_ *nr*- Delete cells with less | more than _number\_of\_points_ points. Observe the *nr* syntax at the end.
*rep* - Cell elements are delete for every cursor pick (use 'p' or work in 2D mode by clicking).
*undo* - Undo last delete cell action.{indent}
{indent}Delete a cell by a crossing line made by two cursor positions. {indent}
{indent}Display a marker at the deleted point.{indent}
{indent}Delete nearest point and split the line in two cells.{indent}
{indent}Delete a whole line closest to the cursor.{indent}
{indent}Delete nearest point with 'no clean'. This means sequential delete will update the graphics with the command [mak] cle, to clean up everything.{indent}
{indent}Delete a single point with an alternative algorithm. Will create an immediate update of the dataset. Redisplay the data before continuing.{indent}
{indent}Points are delete for every cursor pick (use keyboard p).{indent}
{indent}Mark the point for later delete. *del upd* will delete the points at the end.{indent}
{indent}Split the line in two cells after the nearest point.{indent}
{indent}Will delete points marked by *rpp*. Usefull for large datasets.{indent}
*xy | xyz*
{indent}Use 2D or 3D search for xy or xyz coordinates. 3D is default.{indent}
*fd* _fielddataname_
{indent}Delete field data of name _fielddataname_.{indent}
h2. Related command object
h3. Edit points and lines
The main command object for editing points and lines which also utilizes the *del* command.
h2. See also
[cha], [edi - Edit cursor values], [mov]
Page Comparison