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Wiki Markup
h2. Name

[#grp] — Grid points and lines {alias:grp}

h2. Syntax

*grp* \[*inc*] | \[_nx ny_] | \[*long*] \[*sca*] \[*ref*] \[*csf*] \[*aux*] \[*ssf*] \[*ssfdis*] \[*rad*] \[*trg*] \[*pav*] \[*mav*] \[*exc*] \[*log*] \[*son*] \[*2dc*] \[*nsc*] \[*mnp*] \[*mrf*] \[*cvf*] \[*2d*] \[*fast*] \[*ext*] \[*int*] 


h2. Description

General gridding command from input points and lines into a grid surface. Default is parabolic interpolation.

h2. Arguments

{indent}No arguments, the grid will have the same number of rows and columns as the last grid that set the @nrow @ncol variables.{indent} 
*inc* _xinc yinc_ 
{indent}Create grid model grid with increments _xinc_ and _yinc_ .{indent} 
_nx ny_ 
{indent}Create a grid with _nx_ times _ny_ grid cells.{indent} 
*long* _num_ 
{indent}Create a grid with _num_ nodes for the longest side. Use the same increment for the shortest side.{indent} 
{indent}Result grid is polydata and the scalars will be gridded in an extra pass and put into the scalar part of the poly grid.{indent} 
*trg* \[*gri*] 
{indent}End up with polydata grid and a triangualtion model toward faults. Make a grid also when gri is given.{indent} 
*ref* _reference\_grid_ 
{indent}Use a reference_grid in workspace to tell the layout of the result grid.{indent} 
*csf* _closed\_stick\_faults_ 
{indent}Use closed_stick_faults in workspace as input to gridding.{indent} 
*aux* _help\_lines_ 
{indent}Help lines to be used together with *csf* option.{indent} 
*ssf* _single\_stick\_faults_ 
{indent}Use _single\_stick\_faults_ traces without values in workspace as input.{indent} 
*ssfdis* _split\_distance_ 
{indent}Optional _split\_distance_ of _single\_stick\_faults_.{indent} 
*rad* _radius_ 
{indent}Use a radius value for max interpolation distance.{indent} 
{indent}Interpolation is a blend of parabolic and moving average.{indent} 
{indent}Moving average is used for interpolation.{indent} 
*smo* _smoothstrength_ 
{indent}Will use smoothing of cube at end of gridding.{indent} 
*exc* _value_ 
{indent}Exclude points at grid node closer than value to achieve a smoothing effect. grp exc is often run as an extra smooth step after the gridding.{indent} 
*log* _log\_number_ 
{indent}List info in message area. Gives a message for each _log\_number_ grid line.{indent} 
{indent}Use sonar sorting of input. This is default for size of input points greater than 1000.{indent} 
{indent}Input is 2D contour lines with values.{indent} 
{indent}Input is 2D lines f.inst. from seismic.{indent} 
*nsc* _number\_of\_sectors_ 
{indent}For sort grid aplication: _number\_of\_sectors_ used in interpolation.{indent}
*mnp* _max\_number\_of\_points_ 
{indent}For sort grid application: _max\_number\_of\_points_ used in interpolation.{indent} 
*cvf* _closed\_value\_faults_ 
{indent}Use _closed\_value\_faults_ traces with values in workspace as input.{indent} 
{indent}Fast gridding. Internal parameters are trimmed to give a fast result.{indent} 
{indent}Extrapolate a grid inside the window. Input is a grid.{indent} 
{indent}Interpolate a hole in a grid. Input is a grid.{indent} 
{indent}See argument *mrf* in the [son] command.{indent}

h2. Examples

h3. Ex.1: Point gridding

        mak ran 11      ;# Make 11 random points
        grp 50 50       ;# Make a grid of 50 50 nodes

        # Point model gridding
        z                 ;# Erase screen
        win demo          ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000)
        mak ran 22        ;# Make random points
        poi               ;# Display points
        grp 70 70         ;# Make grid
        map               ;# Misplay map
        cco map rev tit {Depth} ; # color code type map, reverse color and title

The above example produces this image. 

_Examples of parabolic gridding_

h2. See also

[gen], [gr3], [gsu], [fmo], [trg]