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h2. Name
*qaddlayout* — add layout to another layout
h2. Syntax
*qaddlayout* _parentboxlayout childlayout_ \[_stretch_]
*qaddlayout* _parentgridlayout childlayout row column_
*qaddlayout* _parentgridlayout childlayout row column rowspan columnspan_
h2. Description
The qaddlayout command adds a layout to another layout according the layout policy of the receiving layout. This command is used when [nesting layouts|].
h2. Arguments
{indent}An instance of [QHBoxLayout] or [QVBoxLayout]. This is the layout that will contain the child layout to be added.{indent}
{indent}The layout to be added to the parent layout. This can be any type of layout.{indent}
{indent}An instance of [QGridLayout], acting as the receiving layout.{indent}
{indent}The row in the receiving [QGridLayout] where the child layout will be positioned.{indent}
{indent}The column in the receiving [QGridLayout] where the child layout will be positioned.{indent}
{indent}Stretch factor. An integer, this argument determines the layout's ability to stretch during resize. Use this to set preference to which layout(s) in a group should stretch. A value of 100 usually ensures that the given layout will be stretched rather than the other child layouts in the same containing layout.
h2. Examples
h3. Nested Layouts
set w [qwidget]
qsetwindowtitle "Nested Layouts"
# Main vertical layout for the toplevel window
set mainlayout [qvboxlayout $w]
set label [qlabel "<html>This label is added <em>directly</em> to the vertical layout</html>"]
qaddwidget $mainlayout $label
# Add OK and Cancel buttons in a separate horizontal layout
# Add this layout to main layout
set buttonlayout [qhboxlayout ]
qaddlayout $mainlayout $buttonlayout
set ok_button [qpushbutton OK]
qaddwidget $buttonlayout $ok_button
set cancel_button [qpushbutton Cancel]
qaddwidget $buttonlayout $cancel_button
qshow $w
The above example shows two buttons arranged in their own horizontal layout, which is added to the main vertical layout using the [qaddlayout] command.
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