Wiki Markup |
h2. Name
*son* — Sonar data gridding
h2. Syntax
*son ppg* \[*inc*] | \[_nx ny_] | \[*long*] \[*all | four*] \[*tri*] \[*eig*] \[*eigone*] \[*low*] \[*hi*] \[*dob*] \[*auto*] \[*count*] \[*mrf*]
h2. Description
Specialized command for gridding sonar data or large point sets. The *son* without the *ppg* option is covered by the command [grp] .
The *son ppg* is a snapping algorithm of input points to the grid result. The algorithm will snap free point data into a grid of size _nx ny_. The snap gridding will make defined grid nodes of each node that is closest to an input point. If more than one point are sorted to a node, the node value will be the average of the point values. A count grid telling the number of coincident points can be generated.
h2. Arguments
{indent}No arguments, the grid will have the same number of rows and columns as the last grid that set the @nrow @ncol variables.{indent}
*inc* _xinc yinc_
{indent}Create grid model grid with increments _xinc_ and _yinc_ .{indent}
_nx ny_
{indent}Create a grid with _nx_ times _ny_ grid cells.{indent}
*long* _num_
{indent}Create a grid with _num_ nodes for the longest side. Use the same increment for the shortest side.{indent}
{indent}The three nearest nodes will be used.{indent}
*all | four*
{indent}All four nodes surrounding a point will be used.{indent}
{indent}All eigth nodes surrounding a point including the nearest will be used.{indent}
{indent}All eigth nodes surrounding a point will be used and the value 1 will be placed.{indent}
{indent}If coincident points, the lowest will be used and placed in the nearest node.{indent}
{indent}If coincident points, the highest will be used and placed in the nearest node.{indent}
{indent}Double check that the first point will be placed in the nearest node and the next coinciding in the three nearest.{indent}
{indent}The x and y increments are found from the input points. Useful for cases where the input points already are orginized in a grid system.{indent}
{indent}The generated grid will have the counting of coincident points.{indent}
{indent}Make reference grid (boundary grid) and reference line around a point set. The reference grid is saved in *active* and the reference line is saved in workspace *refLine*. Look at the options for detailed control.{indent}
*mrf* _num_
{indent}Create a boundary grid with _num_ nodes for the sides. Points within the boundary grid will define the boundary.{indent}
*mrf bou* _nx ny_ \[*nodraw*]
{indent}Create a boundary grid with _nx ny_ nodes for the sides. Points within the boundary grid will define the boundary. The *nodraw* option will prevent the derived boundary line to de drawn.{indent}
*mrf dis* _distance_
{indent}Create a boundary grid so that points separated less than _distance_ will be within the same boundary.{indent}
*mrf* ... *abx*
{indent}Will remove interior boundaries inside other boundaries in the set of boundary lines.{indent}
h2. Examples
h3. Ex.1: Snap gridding of points
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son — Sonar data gridding
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son ppg [inc] | [nx ny] | [long] [all | four] [tri] [eig] [eigone] [low] [hi] [dob] [auto] [count] [mrf] |
Specialized command for gridding sonar data or large point sets. The son without the ppg option is covered by the command grp .
The son ppg is a snapping algorithm of input points to the grid result. The algorithm will snap free point data into a grid of size nx ny. The snap gridding will make defined grid nodes of each node that is closest to an input point. If more than one point are sorted to a node, the node value will be the average of the point values. A count grid telling the number of coincident points can be generated.
inc xinc yinc
nx ny
long num
all | four
mrf num
mrf bou nx ny [nodraw]
mrf dis distance
mrf ... abx
Ex.1: Snap gridding of points
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# Snap model gridding
z ;# Erase screen
win demo ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000)
spe bgc whi ;# Specify background color to white
mak ran 55 ;# Make 55 random points
poi ;# Display points
son ppg 9 9 ;# Make grid of dimension
poi 2 ;# Display grid points
map ;# Map the grid
und 0 ;# Make all undefined cells to 0
poll ;# Draw the grid lines
Snap gridding showing input points (black)