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{alias:function} h2. Name *function* -— manipulate data with mathematical expression h2. Syntax {panel:|borderStyle=solid|borderWidth=1|bgColor=#ffffaa} *function* _function string_ {panel} h2. Description The Function command can be used to manipulate data values in Polydata and Structured Points. The specified function will be performed on each point in the dataset. The function string can be a combination of several sub functions for each component you want to manipulate. Each sub function should be separated with a semi colon character (\;). Each sub function is a combination of a target variable, an equal sign, and a mathematical expression. for example: {noformat:|borderWidth=1|bgColor=#eeeeee} function "x = x + 100 ; y = x + y" {noformat} The variables in the fuction are always from the original dataset. In the example above, the x, and y variable in the second sub function will not be affected by result of the the first sub function. The mathematical expression may contain these operators: \+, \-, \*, /, abs, exp, ceil, floor, ln, log10, sqrt, sin, sinh, cos, cosh, tan, tanh, asin, acos, atan, min, max, sign. A conditional expression is also supported. An "if" test may be a part of the mathematical expression. The syntax should be if(condition, result if true, result if false). For example: {noformat:|borderWidth=1|bgColor=#eeeeee} function "z = if(z<0, 5, z)" {noformat} will replace all values with z less than zero with 5. h4. h4. Polydata target variables: x = the x value of the current point y = the y value of the current point z = the z value of the current point s = the scalar value of the current point h4. Structured Points target variables: z = the value of the current point. dx = point spacing in x direction. dy = point spacing in y direction origo_x = the X coordinate of the grid origo which is the lower left corner of the Structured Points dataset origo_y = the Y coordinate of the grid origo which is the lower left corner of the Structured Points dataset {color:#000000}{*}Common Function variables:*{color} {color:#333333}The following variables are available to all datasets:{color} x = the x value of the current point y = the y value of the current point z = the z value of the current point h4. Polydata Function variables: In addition to the common variables, the following variables are available for polydata x\_ = the x value of the next point y\_ = the y value of the next point z\_ = the z value of the next point \_x = the x value of the previous point \_y = the y value of the previous point \_z = the z value of the previous point s\_ = the scalar value of the previous point s = the scalar value of the current point \_s = the scalar value of the next point h4. Structured Points Function variables: In addition to the common variables, the following variables are available for structured Points xmin = the x value of the leftmost column of the Structured Points dataset xmax = the x value of the rightmost column of the Structured Points dataset ymin = the y value of the uppermost row of the Structured Points dataset ymax = the y value of the bottommost row of the Structured Points dataset dx = point spacing in x direction dy = point spacing in y direction rows = number of rows cols = number of columns origo_x = xmin = the x coordinate of the grid origo which is the lower left corner of the Structured Points dataset origo_y = ymin = the Y coordinate of the grid origo which is the lower left corner of the Structured Points dataset h2. Examples: h4. Example 1: Switch Polydata x and y values {noformat:|borderWidth=1|bgColor=#eeeeee} function "x=y ; y=x" {noformat} h4. Example 2: Multiply z by 1000 (Structured Points or Poly Data) {noformat:|borderWidth=1|bgColor=#eeeeee} function "z=z*1000" {noformat} h4. Example 3: Translate polydata 100 in x direction {noformat:|borderWidth=1|bgColor=#eeeeee} function "x=x+100" {noformat} h4. Example 4: Translate structured points dataset100 in x direction {noformat:|borderWidth=1|bgColor=#eeeeee} function "origo_x=origo_x+100" {noformat} h4. Example 5: Use formula on a structured points dataset This example may be run on a grid. It will replace the grid values with a wave pattern. Try the following command {noformat:|borderWidth=1|bgColor=#eeeeee} function "z=dy*sin(sqrt(x*x +y*y)/(dx*10))" {noformat} h2. See also {pagebreak} |
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