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{alias:con} h2. Name *con* — Contour dataset using scalars h2. Syntax {panel:|borderStyle=solid|borderWidth=1|bgColor=#FFFFAA} *con i | v | s | n | ms | l* \[*noadj*] \[*sav*] {panel} h2. Description Contor dataset with lines following the scalar values. h2. Arguments h4. Main contouring arguments: Note that the main contouring arguments are the same for other shell commands that contour in various ways. *i* _incr_ {indent} _incr_ is the increment value. {indent} *v* _val1_ \[_val2_ _val3_ ...\] {indent} Contour at specific values, _val1_, _val2_, ... {indent} *s* _start increment stop_ {indent} *s* for step needs three numbers: _start_, _increment_ and _stop_ The first and last contour will be at _start_ and _stop_. {indent} *n* _number_ {indent} Use _number_ contours (levels), equally distributed between the minimum and maximum value. {indent} *ms* _start1 incr1 stop1 start2 incr2 stop2_ {indent} *ms* for multiple steps needs six following numbers. The first contour will be at _start1_, the last at _stop2_. {indent} *l* {indent} Use levels from the last previous contouring operation. {indent} *noadj* {indent} The contours will, by default, be lifted up (or adjusted) a little bit for better visualization. This can be prevented with the *noadj* argument. Use this argument for contouring vertical surfaces like cross sections. {indent} *sav* \[*nodraw*] {indent} Will save the contours in *active* and in *workspace* under the name *^con* which is not directly visible. If the *sav* argument is used in a command menu which restores the original active data, the user must make it _active_ by *mlo ^con*. The *nodraw* argument prevents the contours to be drawn on the screen. {indent} h2. Examples h3. Ex.1: Contours following scalars The above example produces this image. {noformat:|borderWidth=1|bgColor=#eeeeee} spe bgc whi ;# specify background color to white vie def ;# reset viewport ret 10 ;# return start window vie 4 1 1 ;# set up 4 viewports, select first mak ran 11 ;# make random points grp 70 70 ;# make grid and scalars ssc ;# self scale mak p ;# transform grid to polydata acm n 11 ;# map display con l ;# contour using same levels mak sca ;# be sure the scalars are there mhi grid1 ;# move grid to hi grid1 vie 2 con ;# select viewport 2and connect mak ran 11 ;# make new random points grp 70 70 ;# make new grid mak p ;# transform grid to polydata acm l ;# map display con l ;# contour using same levels mak sca ;# be sure the scalars are there mhi grid2 ;# move grid to hi grid2 vie 3 con ;# select viewport 3 and connect mlo grid1 ;# move grid1 to active mak rsc grid2 ;# replace scalars from grid2 acm l ;# map grid2 on top of grid1 con l ;# contour grid2 on top of grid1 vie 4 con ;# select viewport 4 and connect mlo grid2 ;# move grid2 to active mak rsc grid1 ;# replace scalars from grid1 acm l ;# map grid1 on top of grid2 con l ;# contour grid1 on top of grid2 xwi sel ;# force selected window in front {noformat} !att:_img_ref^scalars_on_surface.png|border=1! _Displaying scalars from two grids on top of the other grid surface_ h2. See also [acm - Color band mapping], [cco - Color code legend], [cnn - Contour two sides], [map - Map display], [sma - Spline map] {pagebreak} |
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