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{alias:gvar} h2. Name *gvar* — Get Geocap variables and status h2. Syntax {panel:|borderStyle=solid|borderWidth=1|bgColor=#FFFFAA} *set var \[gvar _variable_]* {panel} h2. Description The *gvar* command in the context *set var \[gvar _variable_]* will transfer the Geocap variable or status of the variable into the the Tcl variable; in this case *var*. The *gvar* command is used in advanced scripting when reading internal Geocap variables or status is necessary. h2. Arguments There is a long list of variables that can be attached to the *gvar* command as an argument. h3. The internal alpha variables. The following variables are sometimes called the alpha or @ variables because one can create a list by the command *lst @*. *ran* {indent}Result from random draw.{indent} *xmin* {indent}Minimum x value of active data.{indent} *xmax* {indent}Maximum x value of active data.{indent} *ymin* {indent}Minimum y value of active data.{indent} *ymax* {indent}Maximum y value of active data.{indent} *zmin* {indent}Minimum z value of active data.{indent} *zmax* {indent}Maximum z value of active data.{indent} *xwin* {indent}Minimum x of graphical window.{indent} *xwax* {indent}Maximum x of graphical window.{indent} *ywin* {indent}Minimum y of graphical window.{indent} *ywax* {indent}Maximum y of graphical window.{indent} *zwin* {indent}Minimum z of graphical window.{indent} *zwax* {indent}Maximum z of graphical window.{indent} *posx* {indent}x position of manipulator.{indent} *posy* {indent}y position of manipulator.{indent} *posz* {indent}z position of manipulator.{indent} *numpoint* {indent}Number of points in active data.{indent} *numcell* {indent}Number of cells in active data.{indent} *numscalar* {indent}Number of scalars in active data.{indent} *nrow* {indent}Number of elements in a row in active grid.{indent} *ncol* {indent}Number of elements in a column in active grid.{indent} *nlay* {indent}Number of layers in active grid.{indent} *xinc* {indent}x increment of active grid.{indent} *yinc* {indent}y increment of active grid.{indent} *zinc* {indent}z increment of active grid.{indent} *dispnum* {indent}Display list number.{indent} *rc* {indent}Return code from system: 0=error 1=OK.{indent} *cellid* {indent}Cell id from graphical cursor intersection.{indent} *pointid* {indent}Point id from graphical cursor intersection.{indent} *files* {indent}File number in *get* and *put*.{indent} *filetype* {indent}Filetype number of active data.{indent} *hasscalar* {indent}Returns 0 if active data has not scalars; 1 if has scalars.{indent} *isgrid* {indent}Return 0 if not; 1 if grid.{indent} *volume* {indent}Volume number from *vol* command.{indent} *lookup* {indent}Lookup value from *lok* command.{indent} *zsmin* {indent}Minimum z scalar value from active data.{indent} *zsmax* {indent}Maximum z scalar value from active data.{indent} *zcmin* {indent}Minimum z cell scalar value from active data.{indent} *zcmax* {indent}Maximum z cell scalar value from active data.{indent} *standev* {indent}Standard deviation from statistical calculation.{indent} *mean* {indent}Mean value from statistical calculation.{indent} *var* {indent}Free variable used by some commands.{indent} *window* {indent}Window number of active graphical window.{indent} *wintot* {indent}Total number of windows.{indent} *viewports* {indent}Total number of viewports.{indent} *activeview* {indent}Active viewport number.{indent} *actorid* {indent}Actor id of graphical display element.{indent} *xval* {indent}x curosor position.{indent} *yval* {indent}y cursor positon.{indent} *zval* {indent}z cursor position set in a 3D cube.{indent} *sval* {indent}Scalar value of cursor position.{indent} *seed* {indent}Seed value in statitical calculation.{indent} *median* {indent}Median value from statistical calculation.{indent} *mode* {indent}Mode value from statistical calculation.{indent} *skewness* {indent}Skewness value from statistical calculation.{indent} *kurtosis* {indent}Kurtosis value from statistical calculation.{indent} *correlation* {indent}Correlation value from statistical calculation.{indent} *horizons* {indent}Number of horizons read into workspace.{indent} *data* {indent}Data flag of active data: 0=error 1=OK.{indent} *upd* {indent}Up / down flag : up=1 down=-1 .{indent} *cubetype* {indent}2D or 3D cube flag.{indent} *levels* {indent}Number of contour levels.{indent} *area* {indent}Area of area calculation.{indent} *distance* {indent}Distance of distance calculation.{indent} *value* {indent}Used by various value output.{indent} *putnum* {indent}Number of files saved in put.{indent} *lc* {indent}Loop counter.{indent} *utmzone* {indent}Utm zone of active zone.{indent} *hemis* {indent}active hemisphere.{indent} *numlookup* // number of lookup curves {indent}Number of lookup curves in lookup calculation.{indent} *numpolygon* // number of polygon curves {indent}Number of polygon curves in lookup calculation.{indent} *zorigo* {indent}z origo value of image.{indent} *slope* {indent}Slope of regression curve.{indent} *intercept* {indent}Interception of regression curve.{indent} *rangelo* {indent}Low range value of 3D cube.{indent} *rangehi* {indent}High range value of 3D cube.{indent} *newactorid* {indent}New (current) actor id of graphical display element.{indent} *diagonal* {indent}Diagonal of the graphical window.{indent} *oldx* {indent}x position of previous cursor.{indent} *oldy* {indent}y position of previous cursor.{indent} *oldz* {indent}z position of previous cursor.{indent} *angle* {indent}Angle of rotated dataset.{indent} *locori* {indent}Has local origo in dataset.{indent} h3. Additional system variables. *datalist* {indent}List of all datasets in workspace including active.{indent} *hilist* {indent}List of all datasets in workspace not including active.{indent} {indent}{indent} *hi* | *hiname* _name_ {indent}Test if _name_ present in hicore names.{indent} *gridlist* {indent}List of only workspace grid names.{indent} *polylist* // only hicore polydata names {indent}List of only workspace polydata names.{indent} *list* _name_ {indent}List of only workspace _name_ data.{indent} *value* *x|y|z|s* _number_ {indent}Get x,y,z or s value at _number_ position in active data{indent} *field* {indent}Get a list of all field data.{indent} *fieldnum* {indent}Get a list of all numeric field data.{indent} *name* | *dataname" | *filename* {indent}Get the saved data name of active data.{indent} *numeric* _fielddata_ {indent}Check if _fielddata_ is numeric. 0 if not numeric, 1 if numeric.{indent} *type* | *datatype* {indent}Check data type of active data.{indent} *data* {indent}Check if valid data is present in active. 0 if invalid, 1 if valid{indent} *undef* {indent}Check if polydata contains undefined values.{indent} *rotation* {indent}Check if grid or cube have rotation.{indent} *fdata" | *fd* _name_ {indent}Get a list of field data in _name_.{indent} *fdata" | *fd* *exist* _name_ {indent}Check if field data _name_ exists.{indent} *number* _variable_ {indent}Check if _variable_ is numeric. 0 if not numeric, 1 if numeric.{indent} *replaceblank* _string_ {indent}Replace all blanks in _string_.{indent} *actorid* {indent}Return the actor id of the last graphic display action.{indent} *numcom* {indent}Get the number of components in active data.{indent} *xscreen* {indent}Get x size in pixels of screen.{indent} *yscreen* {indent}Get y size in pixels of screen.{indent} *dimension* {indent}Get dimension of dataset: grid or cube.{indent} *scalar* {indent}Get existence of scalars in active data. 0 if not present, 1 if present.{indent} *numundef* {indent}Get number of undefined in a grid.{indent} h2. Examples The following example showshows the use of gvar command. The task is to split a dataset into cells with 3 points in each cell. It uses advanced Geocap programming. {noformat:|borderWidth=1|bgColor=#eeeeee} set numpoi [gvar numpoint] ; # get number of points set n3 [expr $numpoi / 3] set pp [points x y z] ; # transfer all points to the pp variable as a list dhi data ; # delete data in workspace set i 0 for {set j 0} {$j < $n3} {incr j} { for {set k 0} {$k < 3} {incr k} { set a [lindex $pp $i] ; # get the x coordinate incr i set b [lindex $pp $i] ; # get the y coordinate incr i set c [lindex $pp $i] ; # get the z coordinate eval sta $a $b $c ; # stack the coordinates incr i } rea ter ; # read the stack mhi data app ; # append data into workspace } # The result is saved in workspace data mlo data ; # move data to active set numcel [gvar numcell] ; # get number of cells puts "Number of points: $numpoi - Number of cells: $numcel" ; # list number of points and cells {noformat} {pagebreak} |
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