To add an element to your plot, simply tick the checkbox in front of the element name. The ticked elements will be included in the plot. When an element is ticked, the settings panel belonging to that element will pop up. The setting panel will for many elements (navigation, lines/points, scripts, wells, pictures, text) allow input from file(s).
Getting started
Since the plot ultimately will be a Postscript file, it is necessary to select a directory on disk. This directory must have the name 'plot', e.g "C:/tmp/plot". No other directory name is accepted. In this directory both the postscript file and the saveset will be put.
When working on a project, it is common to create a few layouts and then produce a large number of plots in each layout. The layout is created by producing a plot. To create new plots, change the name and save the saveset. Then make the necessary changes to the new plot. A layout could be A4 Portrait used for all maps, then another layout for large regional maps, scaled 1:200000 and a third layout for thematic maps and a fourth layout for maps scaled 1:50000 zoomed into a prospect.
Intelligent design
Click Initiate plot to open up the Initialisation panel where the scale, layout and margins are set. In this panel you may also introduce a main dataset. This dataset is optional, but a grid is required if you want to display a contour map.