- Geodetic
- Geocentric
- Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)
- Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS)
- Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
- Albers Equal Area Conic
- Azimuthal Equidistant
- Bonne
- British National Grid (BNG)
- Cassini
- Cylindrical Equal Area
- Equidistant Cylindrical
- Eckert IV
- Eckert VI
- Gnomonic
- Lambert Conformal Conic
- Mercator
- Miller Cylindrical
- Mollweide
- New Zealand Map Grid (NZMG)
- Ney's (Modified Lambert Conformal Conic)
- Oblique Mercator
- Orthographic
- Polar Stereographic
- Polyconic
- Sinusoidal
- Stereographic
- Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area
- Transverse Mercator
- Van der Grinten
Other projections
Although the listing of datums and coordinates systems are extensive, it may happen that the user has a specific wish about a projection that is not in the list. In that case Geocap personel can add the new projection to the list if all necessary information is provided.