No Format |
bgColor | #eeeeee |
borderWidth | 1 |
# Legal string syntax in Tcl
set x hello
set y "hello"
set z "hello world"
No Format |
bgColor | #eeeeee |
borderWidth | 1 |
set x 4
puts "He ate $x apples" ; # prints 'He ate 4 apples'
No Format |
bgColor | #eeeeee |
borderWidth | 1 |
set l { He ate 4 "green apples" }
set l [list He ate 4 "green apples" ]
No Format |
bgColor | #eeeeee |
borderWidth | 1 |
set x 4
puts "He ate $x apples" ; # prints 'He ate 4 apples'
puts { He ate $x apples } ; # prints 'He ate $x apples'
No Format |
bgColor | #eeeeee |
borderWidth | 1 |
set x 4
qpushbutton "Immediate" "qinformation Information $x" ; # displays '4'
qpushbutton "Delayed" { qinformation Information $x } ; # displays '5'
set x 5
No Format |
bgColor | #eeeeee |
borderWidth | 1 |
set result [expr 2 + 2 ]
puts $result
No Format |
bgColor | #eeeeee |
borderWidth | 1 |
set l [list 1 2 3]
Here the variable 'l' is assigned and the value returned by the bracketed expression, which in this case creates a list.