Add dataset in active and hiname and the result data will be placed in active workspace.
Add value and result data will be placed in the active workspace.
hi | lo hiname tes
Add two poly dataset together according to rules above and optionally test using the tes argument if xy coordinates are equal and then add only for equal coordinates.
x | y | sca value
Add value to x- or y- or scalar coordinates. The result data will be placed in the active workspace.
x | y | z | sca [value] xx | yy | zz [factor]
Add value to x or y or scalar coordinates. The result data will be placed in the active workspace. Add data coordinate axes together. Optionally use a value that will be added to the coordinates and/or a factor that will be multiplied with the coordinates. x | y | z |sca represents the first data coordinates and xx | yy | zz represents the second data coordinates. The result is always placed in the first coordinates.
Ex.1: Add a value to a dataset
sub - Subtract operation, mul - Multiply operation, div - Divide operation