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ArcGIS version

Ground Model version

Release date

ArcGIS Pro 3.1/3.2/3.3



Ground Model 2.1.26

  • Cloud Browser now supports listing of a single bucket. When creating the connection choose Single Bucket in the Bucket List Option and enter the name of the bucket.

  • SEG-Y Scanner

    • The scanner will now be created from the current map. This map will automatically be used for map interactions, such as map preview. If the map is closed the scanner is closed too.

    • The scanner now supports showing intersections with surfaces in the map. To use this ensure that the settings in the Coordinate Settings group are set correctly along with any Delay Rec Times settings in the Samples viewer, then choose Show surface intersections in the Display tab in the samples viewer.

    • Scanner set back to manual seismic dimension (2D/3D) selector - no attempt at auto detection

    • Performance improvements

  • AGS reader works for Pro 3.3

  • Improved support for dark theme mode in Pro

  • Delayed loading of GM viewer window removes error message when opening a new GM viewer

Ground Model 2.1.23

Release date 03.09.2024

  • Support for depth conversion of seismic VDS files

    • Depth conversion of VDS files will now result in files with similar size as input

    • Depth conversion of VDS is now much faster.

  • It is now possible to scale the delay recording time by a constant value when converting SEG-Y to VDS

  • Bugfix in seismic 2D view in PRO. The display of window extent and cursor will now display correctly after change of spatial reference.

  • Added support for Custom Spatial reference without wkid in Geocap View windows. (distance measurement is not supported for custom spatial reference)

  • Display of VDS files will now take Vertical Offsets from Delay rec Time into account, and display at correct depth.

  • Improved display of 2D seismic. Data reading is now done in a normal “non queued” task. This makes the data fetching faster + does not disable GUI when reading data.

    • More displayed data in 3D window will now have a right click meny (Added support for getting TocItemId for more display types in 3D window.)

  • Support for SEG-Y to NetCDF conversion

  • SEGY-Scanner

    • Shared settings like spatial reference and byte positions that are used by different parts of the scanner has been moved to a dedicated section called Coordinate Settings

    • Support for different color tables

    • Support 3D inlines in samples viewer

    • A check for whether a SEGY file is 2D or 3D. Note that this is not foolproof - a user should confirm that the correct choice is made.

    • Support live trace outlines of 3D volumes

    • Samples viewer has a zero-centered slider for simultaneously moving both min/max sliders

    • Improved dark theme support

    • The vertical axis will always display in ms or meter

    • If used, delay rec time intervals will be displayed in a separate color

  • AGS Log reader

    • The reader will now examine the various TOP/BASE-like columns for actual data values. If no data is found, that column is skipped and other depth columns will be used instead. SPECIMEN top/base columns are given priority, then SAMPLE top/base columns. The exact top/bottom names will vary somewhat from table to table.

    • AGS log reader supports the creation of relationship classes connection the LOCA_ID column of each table to the LOCA_ID column of the LOCA table. Using the attribute table it is then possible to easily navigate between a row in a data table to the corresponding LOCA_ID row in the LOCA table

Ground Model 2.1.19

Release date 24.06.2024

New features:


  • Fixed bug that caused the Z axis to be misaligned in the cross section viewer

  • Min/Max inputs of a borehole will be applied after clicking OK button in settings panel. Clicking an apply button is not required in this case.

  • Fixed visibility of OK/cancel buttons in settings panel

  • Improved visibility and layout of UI components in settings panels

  • Web client : Fixed minor display issues

Ground Model 2.1.15

Release date 23.04.2024

This fixes several VDS-related issues. An upgrade is strongly recommended.


 This release uses web client geocap.3.0.49.js

Ground Model 2.1.10

Release date 21.03.2024

This release contains several improvements and bugfixes. An upgrade is recommended.


This release uses web client 3.0.44 

Ground Model 2.1.7

Release date 05.03.2024

This release contains several bugfixes and improvements. Updating is recommended.


  • AGS items in the TOC now have the so-called description as part of the name, so instead of "GEOL" the full term "GEOL - Field Geological Descriptions" is used. This applies to both AGS tables (groups) and columns (headers)

  • Improvements on Seismic Auto-tracking. Autotracker will now track weak reflectors better. 

Ground Model 2.1.6

Release date 28.02.2024

  • Seismic interpretation : Initial version of seismic interpretation autotracking, various bugfixes

  •   AGS

    • New tool : AGS Format Checker. This tool will validate an AGS file with respect to v. 4.0.3, 4.0.4, 4.1 or v. 4.1.1 of the AGS standard.

    • The AGS Reader will now also perform validation. By default warnings will not be displayed. Check the Ignore AGS 4 check errors button to have errors displayed in full. Note that most AGS files will deviate in some way from the standard and still be readable by Geocap.

    • More robust handling of AGS files version 4.0.x that do not have a _BASE column 

  • VDS

    • The SEG_Y to VDS panel's Reset button will not remove non-default rows, not just reset the values.

    • The compression setting now has an associated help button.

    • Volume to features now works for VDS files created by Petrel

This release uses the web client 3.0.40

Ground Model 2.1.4

Release date 01.02.2024

This release fixes a bug that casued the SEG-Y scanner to crash for large 3D cubes.

Ground Model 2.1.3

Release date 26.01.2024

New features include:


This release uses web client 3.0.37

Ground Model 2.1.2

Release date 23.01.2024

This release contains numerous bugfixes and improvements. An upgrade is recommended.


  • Paths used when involving SEG-Y/VDS should not have whitespace

Ground Model 2.1.0

Release date 12.01.2024

This release is the first in the 2.1 series and contains notable improvements. An upgrade is recommended

  • Cloud support.

    • Use the cloud browser to convert SEGY and VDS files directly from the cloud.

    • Visualize VDS files from the cloud

    • The SEG-Y scanner now operates directly on SEG-Y files in the cloud

  • Seismic settings

    • Toggle seismic navigation lines

  • Geocap Table of Contents

    • Improved logic when checking items to display feature layers and other data + bugfixes related to this

  • Well log display

    • AGS and LAS Well logs will now display in colors, with constant size, in 2D and 3D window

Ground Model 2.0.25

Release date 22.12.2023

This release brings various new features and bugfixes. An update is recommended.


  • Z scale is now remembered in log viewer.

  • Petrel wells can now be displayed with different logs in different windows.

  • The seismic 3D section slider would have wrong sizing, which is now fixed.

Ground Model 2.0.24

Release date 22.11.2023

  • Support for UNC paths in seismic feature class.

  • Made for Pro 3.1 and 3.2

Ground Model 2.0.23

Release date 08.11.2023

  • Support for Petrel wells and logs

  • Added option for livetrace polygon outline when creating feature from 3D seismics

  • SEGY to VDS : Support for coordinate scalar override (byte position 71). This value will be multiplied as-is with the coordinates, ie the SEG-Y convention of -10 meaning 0.1 etc is not used.

  • The layout of VDS-related menus have been modified to improve vertical spacing

  • The LAS import tool now supports elevation - use either a header mnemonic in the file or enter an explicit value.

  • LAS wells and AGS boreholes shown in 2D and 3D will now show labels corresponding to the well name.

  • Toolbox files are re-ordered which makes tools available as arcpy command. + maybe reduces “tool failed to open” bug

  • It is now possible to specify which raster bands should be used as RGB for rasters with multiple bands

  • New tool Create Seismic Interpretation from Raster creates a new seismic interpretation feature class from an existing surface raster and seismic 2D lines.

  • Well log labels are now removed from 2D/3D view when cursor leaves log viewer window.

  • The Geocap viewer is initialized with the same spatial reference as that of the ArcGIS Pro map it is based upon. If the spatial reference of the map is later changed the viewer will automatically be updated.

This release uses web client 3.0.29

Ground Model 2.0.15

Release date 18.09.2023

This is the first release with a working version of VDS import and visualization. It should be considered Beta.


This release uses web client 3.0.20

Ground Model 2.0.13

Release date 06.09.2023

This release contains significant performance improvements and bugfixes. An upgrade is recommended.


  • Scenes with multiple logviewer windows do not restore correctly.

  • Autoloading of scenes require more testing.


Release date: 06.07.2023

  • Ground Model now remembers your last viewed position when you save a project. When you reopen the project, it automatically resumes from the same view,

  • Issues related to toolbar icons when using dark mode have been addressed.

  • Seismic settings can now be customized and fine-tuned on survey level.


Release date: 12.06.2023


Release date: 29.11.2022

New features:


  • Ground Model no longer crashes if exited without creating a TOC

  • Ground Model no longer crashes when switching to map with hidden Geocap viewer.

  • Measuring tool now working in 2D viewer

  • Horizon intersection properly displayed in 2D Scene

  • Horizon intersection is shown in the log viewer

  • Z-scale updates correctly according to active scene

  • Buffer clip data correctly displayed in Geocap TOC

  • Occasional seismic LOD 3D scene update fail fixed

  • Correct Z values in 2D scene for data draped over a grid (e.g Sidescan, set elevation=bathymetry)

  • Missing raster histogram/stats working

  • Stability improvements

  • TOC handling improved, including fixed issues with disappearing TOC

  • Performing buffer clipping does not remove any existing data in the TOC. Remove manually before clipping if needed

  • Histogram is recalculated if the user sets up 8- or 16-bit raster output

  • Buttons grayed out in the toolbar are now accessible

  • Z-value supported also for point symbols

  • 2D seismic cursor shown in map after map rename

  • Special characters handled in data path

  • The previous versions of the AGS reader misinterpreted the top-bottom columns for certain groups having SAMP_TOP + SPEC_DPTH columns. Specifically the SAMP_TOP/SPEC_DPTH values were used instead of SPEC_DPTH/SPEC_BASE. This would to error in the resulting geometry. The new version of the AGS reader fixes this and as noted above is also able to detect top/bottom intervals for user defined. Currently the only way to fix this is to re-import the AGS files. We may soon provide a tool that repairs geometry in feature classes for AGS files that have been imported. This error only applies to a subset of the interval-style tables that typically have interpretations etc within a top/bottom interval, not the scalar-measurement class of tables that show up as curves in the display.

  • SEG-Y reader. When reading 16- or 8 -bit seismics the histogram would still be keeping the 32-bit statistics leading to color mismatch during display. This is now recalculated correctly. To fix this either re-import or repair using the Update Seismic Histogram tool. Note that this tool will take a while. This only applies to 16-bit or 8-bit imports, not the usual 32-bit float.


Release date: 14.10.2022

Bug-fix release


Release date: 04.10.2022
Bug-fix release


Release date: 17.08.2022
Bug-fix release


Release date: 13.05.2022
The first official release