ArcGIS version | Ground Model version | Release date |
ArcGIS Pro 3.1/3.2/3.3/3.4 | 16.0912.2024 |
Ground Model 2.1.31
This release contains bugfixes and various improvements. An upgrade is recommended.
Added support for ArcGIS Pro 3.4
Bugfix in Seismic interpretation from Raster Tool
Raster intersection in 2D viewer on seismic with many traces now works again.
Added support to set byte offset of Vertical offsets (= Delay rec time) for Segy to VDS import
Bugfix on depth convert of VDS files. Using velocity model with seismic interpretation poly lines now works again.
AGS Log Reader now provides an option to enforce the sign of the ground level column (LOCA_GL) to be negative. You should use this when reading subsurface AGS logs. The AGS standard does not mandate which sign to use for the ground level values, so some files have positive ground level values also for logs below sea level. Note that when using the Adjust to Depth tool the Z values are recalculated based on the provided surface, not the ground level in the file.
Improved LAS Log Reader to better detect X Y location in metadata.
Ground Model 2.1.27
Release date 23.10.2024
This release has numerous bugfixes and an upgrade is recommended.
New features:
Support for seconds of arcs when reading SEG-Y files. When the coordinate unit flag (byte pos 89) has a value of 2 both the SEG-Y scanner and the SEG-Y to VDS import panel will assume the coordinates are seconds of arc and will transform the coordinates accordingly.
The SEG-Y to VDS import panel now has the byte positions for coordinates labelled plainly as X and Y
The Adjust AGS Depth tool now handles columns with missing coordinates
Ground Model 2.1.26
Release date 16.09.2024
Cloud Browser now supports listing of a single bucket. When creating the connection choose Single Bucket in the Bucket List Option and enter the name of the bucket.
SEG-Y Scanner
The scanner will now be created from the current map. This map will automatically be used for map interactions, such as map preview. If the map is closed the scanner is closed too.
The scanner now supports showing intersections with surfaces in the map. To use this ensure that the settings in the Coordinate Settings group are set correctly along with any Delay Rec Times settings in the Samples viewer, then choose Show surface intersections in the Display tab in the samples viewer.
Scanner set back to manual seismic dimension (2D/3D) selector - no attempt at auto detection
Performance improvements
AGS reader works for Pro 3.3
Improved support for dark theme mode in Pro
Delayed loading of GM viewer window removes error message when opening a new GM viewer