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The plotting menu lets you create plots interactively. The menu can be opened by going to:
Tools > Postscript Plotting

The Plotting Main Menu


In this section:

Table of Contents

Getting started

Overall process

The overall process of creating a postscript plot with the plotting panel is this:

  1. Find a plotting directory (Browse)
  2. Give the plot a name
  3. Go to 2. Layout, Margins and Data to set the main dataset and decide sizes and scales
  4. Add an element e.g. Axes and Frame
  5. Run the plot and inspect the result
  6. If OK Continue by adding another element, e.g. Lines and Points. Browse for a few lines, select how to display them and rerun the plot.
  7. Continue adding element by element and check by running the plot inbetween.

Select working directory

Since the plot ultimately will be a Postscript file, it is necessary to select a directory on disk. This directory must have the name Plot, e.g "C:/tmp/Plot". No other directory name is accepted. In this directory both the postscript file and the saveset will be put.


Enter a name for the plot, e.g. "My plot". The name can be in one or more word, avoid special characters, but - + and space are accepted. Now you may save the saveset of the plot by pressing the Save Saveset button on the right. Now a file called My plot.saveset is saved in C:/tmp/plot/ This saveset contains all setting for the plot named "My plot" and next time the dPlot main panel is activated, you'll find this saveset under File > Recent saveset files. Whenever changes are made to the settings of a plot, remember to save the saveset.
The Process. "My plot" will produce the postscript file My


When working on a project, it is common to create a few layouts (savesets) and then produce a large number of plots in each layout. The layout is created by producing a plot. To create new plots, change the name and save the saveset. Then make the necessary changes to the new plot. A layout could be A4 Portrait used for all maps, then another layout for large regional maps, scaled 1:200000 and a third layout for thematic maps and a fourth layout for maps scaled 1:50000 zoomed into a prospect.


Plotting often involves the creation of several maps. Press the Multi Run button to display the dialog for creating multiple map files. Browse in the names of the savesets you want to run.