txt — 3D text
txt [textsize] [cur | ref | min | cen] [coor] [*x ] [xang] [yang] [zang] [col] [fol] [use] [geo] [lix] [sav] [sticky] [txt] text
Display 3D text. The 3D text will have a 3D structure as default.
Will display the text using text size relative to 1.
cur | ref | min | cen txt text
Will display text at cursor position | reference point | lower left of grid window | center of window .
coor xcoor ycoor zcoor
Position in world coordinates xcoor ycoor zcoor.
x | y | z
The text will be oriented along the x | y | z direction.
[xang] [yang] [zang] xangle | yangle | zangle
The text will have an xangle | yangle | zangle towards the respective axis.
col whi | red | gre | ..
Select color for display.
Use the current color.
Use the follower for the text to follow the camera.
geo [number] [dec dec_number] [format format_number] [ll latlon_number]
Display the geo numbers as text with geographic notation.
lix linear_extrusion
The text will have a linear_extrusion in the z direction.
The text will saved as polydata.
The text will be placed on a sticky surface.
txt text
To display a text, put it in braces or double quotes if the text contains spaces.
Explanation bla-bla- PointSize is a number larger than 0, relative to 1 (default), giving bla-bla.
Ex.1: Title-of-example
# read any grid xxx arg1 ;# Example bla bla pol ;# Display as polygon
See also
[yyy], [zzz]