rcd — Read from cursor and draw
Error rendering macro 'code': Invalid value specified for parameter 'lang'rcd [liw][poi][col][max | min | hei][sav][tub][dva][set]
rcd is used for digitizing both in 2D and 3D. It will read data by cursor-clicks on the left mouse button. The zoom (right) and pan (middle) mouse buttons can be used while digitizing.
When digitizing is ended, the result will be a dataset, usually present both in workspace ^rcd and as the active dataset. Check the Keyboard Shortcuts in the User Guide to learn what keys can be used for digitizing.
The digitizing functionality has a front-end in the Quick digitizing, found under Tools.
There are many alternative digitizers present in Geocap. The command edit, is one examle, other examples are the Shelf functionality for digitizing outer limits, the command Red snapper,
and seismic interpretation.
Use acd - Append data from cursor to append instead of digitizing from scratch.
liw LineWidth
Digitize with LineWidth ( 1 / 2 / 3 / ...).
Display the digitized line in tube mode.
min | max
Digitize with height = @zmin | @zmax.
hei Height
Digitize with height (z-value) set to Height.
col Color
Apply color Color (Color = red|gre|blu|...) when digitizing.
poi [lin]
Display only the points. lin means display also lines.
Display value of the points.
sav WorkspaceName
Save digitized data in workspace WorkspaceName in addition to workspace ^rcd.
Use start-zoom. Start by flying towards the focus point.
tes | dra | col | del | ang
Test / draw / color / delete / angle mode.
Use last setting.
Use the active marker as focal point. Default is the cube.
ima step
Write out an image for every step'th step. E.g. rcd ima 5 will output an image for every 5th poit digitized. Define the output file by dyn rca FileName. ???
format bmp | tiff | png
Set the prefered image format.
set col red | whi | gre ....
The command rcd set col red will set the color for the digitizing to red. (dekket av rcd col red ???)
See also
acd - Append data from cursor, bck - Backward in digitizing, cll - Close line, spe imi,