qcombobox — collapsable text entry box
qcombobox [cmds ...] |
The qcombobox command creates a QComboBox object. This is a vertical list of items collapsed to a single item visible in an entry field. The entry field may be read-only. The user may expand the list by clicking on the expand-arrow at the combo's right. The user may assign one or more callback commands that are executed when a selection is made.
To add items to the combo, use the qinsertitem command. To set the contents of the text field directly use qsetitemtext.
One or more commands that are executed when the user selects an item in the combo. The item itself is appended to the list of commands before execution. It is the programmers responsibility to ensure that the resulting command is a valid Tcl command.
# Callback for combo. # The argument v is added by QTcl proc show_value { v } { qinformation "Combo value " $v } set w [qwidget] qsetwindowtitle QComboBox qvboxlayout { # Combo 1 qcombobox qadditem Red qadditem Green qadditem Blue # Combo with callback qcombobox show_value qadditems { Top Center Bottom } } qshow $w |
Example QComboBox shows two QComboBoxes, one having attached the callback procedure 'show_value'. The values 'Top', 'Center', or 'Bottom' will be appended to the callback string, thus forming a call to 'show_value' with an argument. The resulting command will display the chosen value in a message box.