Read also the article Various types of velocity cubes which give a insight into the subject.

Creating a RMS velocity cube and interval velocity cube

Having a stacking velocity cube, Geocap can do calculation on the cube and convert it into other cube types.

Activate the command Utilities->Perform calculation on the velocity cube.

VRMSn = sqrt((Sum_i(Vi^2*Ti)/Sum_i(Ti)))

The Interval Velocity Cube is calculated according to Dix formula:

Vn = sqrt((VRMSn^2*Tn - VRMSn-1^2*Tn-1)/(Tn-Tn-1))

These calculated cubes will help the professional to understand the geology of the subsurface based on velocity changes. The below picture displays the RMS and Interval velocity cube in the lower viewports.

Four velocity cubes displayed in a viewport presentation

Upper left Raw velocity cube. Upper right Smoothed grid updated cube. Lower left Root mean square (RMS) cube. Lower right Interval velocity cube.

The above viewport presentation applies the viewport icon on the toolbar to make 2x2 connected viewports with different background color. Then each viewport is selected for displaying its appropriate cube. A cursor point is set within the cube using the keyboard letter p. Then the command Cursor view>Map X Y Z pales at cursor position* is executed for each cube. The shell command tx2 lle col bla txt "text" was used for displaying a bottom text.