- Bug in re-display of IHorizon fixed.
- A bug that caused the View menu to disappear has been fixed.
- A bug in the GIM surface merge has been fixed.
- Default track criteria in GIM has been changed.
- A bug in geodetic correct intersecting lines has been fixed.
- Display FOS points visibility filter bugfix.
- Rms attribute generation has been optimized and it is almost 5-6 times faster than last relase.
- Facies attribute generation has been optimized and the speed has been improved.
- Added a global configurable view distance bias for LOD rendering in Tools > Options > Graphics.
- LOD grid now looks better at the edge close to an undefined area.
- Foot of slope analysis: minimum change of average gradient calculation interval set from 100 to 1 meter.
- Seismic interpretation in xi will now work on VCI with no Shotpoint.
- The columns in the project tree now have a wider default setting, avoiding collapsed columns for empty projects.
- Allow multiple selected surfaces to be sent into project manager in the tracking display user interface "from list".
- More options for body resolution are availabe in body generation.
- A bug in the tagging system has been fixed.
- XCal menu is renamed to Vertical Image Calibration.
- Geodetic properties are not removed when edit dataset in table view.
- adjustment to weighted midline algorithm to handle very large weight differences between base points.
- When opening a project file Geocap will by default look in the directory set as working directory in Options.
- A bug that caused the Paste entry to be grayed out in the project manager has been fixed.
- Data Properties Menu will now show information in z for cube data.
- There is now an entry for installing a new license file in Geocap under Help > Licensing > Install license file.
- Geoconversion of images will now put transparent pixels in undefined areas.
- Import of non georeferenced images will not ask for projection. Projection will be set to "none".
- Multiple delete/copy/cut menu added to Collection folder.
- Tracking algorithm of 2d section and 3d cube has been optimized.
- Tracking is 3 times faster than last release.
- SEG-Y Write: Data sample format code = 5 (IEEE fp); data sample information added to EBCDIC header.
- Handle sample intervals too large for 2 bytes.
- Store EBCDIC header in seismic object; view EBCDIC header in properties.
- SEG-Y Export: store identical values in records Lag time A and Delay recording time (SMT compability).
- SEG-Y Export: Byte pos. written to Textual File (EBCDIC) Header.
- SEG-Y Import: Update Storage combo box according to format specified in reel header.
- Added information about operating system in the "About Geocap" dialog box.
- Option to resume creation of unfinished GIM seismic cube added.