Seismic feature class attributes

Seismic feature class attributes

This section describes the fields in a seismic feature class.

Name Feature name - usually survey name or base name of SEG-Y file
SEGYFileAbsolute path of input seismic file on SEG-Y format
TextualFileHeaderThe textual file header (EBCDIC header) in the SEG-Y file
URLAbsolute or relative path of the resulting file. Se URL examples below
DroidIf exported from Petrel: reference to cube within Petrel project.
SeismicZDomainThe Z domain of the seismic. Time or depth
SeismicZUnitThe unit of the Z domain of the seismic. 'ms', 'us', 'ns' or 'ps', for time domain, 'm', 'cm', 
JobIdNoFrom SEG-Y binary file header: Job identification number
LineNoFrom SEG-Y binary file header: Line number
ReelNoFrom SEG-Y binary file header: Reel number
NoOfDataTracesPerRecFrom SEG-Y binary file header: Number of data traces per ensemble

From SEG-Y binary file header: Number of auxiliary traces per ensemble

SampleIntervalFrom SEG-Y binary file header: Sample interval in microseconds
OrigSampleIntervalFrom SEG-Y binary file header: Sample interval in microseconds of original recording
NoOfSamplesPerTraceFrom SEG-Y binary file header: Number of samples per data trace
OrigNoOfSamplesFrom SEG-Y binary file header: Number of samples per data trace for original recording
DataSampleFormatCodeFrom SEG-Y binary file header: Data sample format code
CdpFoldFrom SEG-Y binary file header: Ensemble fold
TraceSortingCodeFrom SEG-Y binary file header: Trace sorting code
SpMinMinimum shot point number read from file. 2D only
SpMaxMaximum shot point number read from file. 2D only
SpStepStep between shot points read from file. 2D only
InlMinMinimum in-line number read from file. 3D only
InlMaxMaximum in-line number read from file. 3D only
InlStepStep between in-lines read from file. 3D only
CrlMinMinimum cross line number read from file. 3D only
CrlMaxMaximum cross line number read from file. 3D only
CrlStepStep between cross lines read from file. 3D only
SampleMinMinimum sample value of dataset
SampleMaxMaximum sample value of dataset

Delay recording time: the minimum Z value of dataset, in milliseconds

OriginXX position of first inline and first crossline
OriginYY position of first inline and first crossline
EndFirstInlineXX position of first inline and last crossline
EndFirstInlineYY position of first inline and last crossline
EndFirstCrosslineXX position of first crossline and last inline
EndFirstCrosslineYY position of first inline and last crossline
SchemaVersionThe scema version of this featureclass
DimensionInteger value. The value '2' for seismic lines, and '3' for seismic cubes.
FileSize_MBThe file size of the original Segy file in Megabytes
LastModifiedDate and time of last modification to the file.
NoOfTracesNumber of traces in the Segy file
NoOfInvalidTracesNumber of invalid traces in the segy file. 
SampleAvgAverage seismic sample value
SampleStdDevStandard Deviation of the seismic samples
HistogramHistogram of the seismic samples

URL Examples:

For a ZGY file on a local disk at C:/example/seismicdata.zgy the URL will be:


For inline crossline and timeslice on disk stored as .tiff files named C:/example/seismicdata_crosslines.tif, C:/example/seismicdata_inlines.tif and C:/example/seismicdata_timeslices.tif the URL will be:


For a seismic 2D line raster stored in the same file geodatabase as the featureclass with the name "seismicdata" the URL will be:


Schema Versions:

Schema Version 3:

Prior to Schema 3 shot point attributes are stored as integer numbers. From Schema 3 shot point attributes are stored as decimal numbers.

Schema Version 4:

Prior to Schema 4 the sample interval was always stored in micro seconds. From Schema 4 the unit of the sample interval is read from the column 'SeismicZUnit'. 

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