Seismic feature class attributes
This section describes the fields in a seismic feature class.
Field | Description |
Name | Feature name - usually survey name or base name of SEG-Y file |
SEGYFile | Absolute path of input seismic file on SEG-Y format |
TextualFileHeader | The textual file header (EBCDIC header) in the SEG-Y file |
URL | Absolute or relative path of the resulting file. Se URL examples below |
Droid | If exported from Petrel: reference to cube within Petrel project. |
SeismicZDomain | The Z domain of the seismic. Time or depth |
SeismicZUnit | The unit of the Z domain of the seismic. 'ms', 'us', 'ns' or 'ps', for time domain, 'm', 'cm', |
JobIdNo | From SEG-Y binary file header: Job identification number |
LineNo | From SEG-Y binary file header: Line number |
ReelNo | From SEG-Y binary file header: Reel number |
NoOfDataTracesPerRec | From SEG-Y binary file header: Number of data traces per ensemble |
NoOfAuxTracesPerRec | From SEG-Y binary file header: Number of auxiliary traces per ensemble |
SampleInterval | From SEG-Y binary file header: Sample interval in microseconds |
OrigSampleInterval | From SEG-Y binary file header: Sample interval in microseconds of original recording |
NoOfSamplesPerTrace | From SEG-Y binary file header: Number of samples per data trace |
OrigNoOfSamples | From SEG-Y binary file header: Number of samples per data trace for original recording |
DataSampleFormatCode | From SEG-Y binary file header: Data sample format code |
CdpFold | From SEG-Y binary file header: Ensemble fold |
TraceSortingCode | From SEG-Y binary file header: Trace sorting code |
SpMin | Minimum shot point number read from file. 2D only |
SpMax | Maximum shot point number read from file. 2D only |
SpStep | Step between shot points read from file. 2D only |
InlMin | Minimum in-line number read from file. 3D only |
InlMax | Maximum in-line number read from file. 3D only |
InlStep | Step between in-lines read from file. 3D only |
CrlMin | Minimum cross line number read from file. 3D only |
CrlMax | Maximum cross line number read from file. 3D only |
CrlStep | Step between cross lines read from file. 3D only |
SampleMin | Minimum sample value of dataset |
SampleMax | Maximum sample value of dataset |
DelayRecTime | Delay recording time: the minimum Z value of dataset, in milliseconds |
OriginX | X position of first inline and first crossline |
OriginY | Y position of first inline and first crossline |
EndFirstInlineX | X position of first inline and last crossline |
EndFirstInlineY | Y position of first inline and last crossline |
EndFirstCrosslineX | X position of first crossline and last inline |
EndFirstCrosslineY | Y position of first inline and last crossline |
SchemaVersion | The scema version of this featureclass |
Dimension | Integer value. The value '2' for seismic lines, and '3' for seismic cubes. |
FileSize_MB | The file size of the original Segy file in Megabytes |
LastModified | Date and time of last modification to the file. |
NoOfTraces | Number of traces in the Segy file |
NoOfInvalidTraces | Number of invalid traces in the segy file. |
SampleAvg | Average seismic sample value |
SampleStdDev | Standard Deviation of the seismic samples |
Histogram | Histogram of the seismic samples |
URL Examples:
For a ZGY file on a local disk at C:/example/seismicdata.zgy the URL will be:
For inline crossline and timeslice on disk stored as .tiff files named C:/example/seismicdata_crosslines.tif, C:/example/seismicdata_inlines.tif and C:/example/seismicdata_timeslices.tif the URL will be:
For a seismic 2D line raster stored in the same file geodatabase as the featureclass with the name "seismicdata" the URL will be:
Schema Versions:
Schema Version 3:
Prior to Schema 3 shot point attributes are stored as integer numbers. From Schema 3 shot point attributes are stored as decimal numbers.
Schema Version 4:
Prior to Schema 4 the sample interval was always stored in micro seconds. From Schema 4 the unit of the sample interval is read from the column 'SeismicZUnit'.