
In this release we have updated the visualization libraries. This update should give improved preformance, and remove error messages reported by some of our users. 

We have also fixed some bugs which occured when the extension was used without the 3D window.

Maritime Limits and Boundaries

  • Tools may now overwrite results from a previous run (*)
  • Added check to see that all inputs have a valid spatial reference
  • Improvements in the tool "Calculate Equidistant Line":
    • New output: "Critical Points" which are the base line points used in the equidistant line calculation
    • New output: "Connections" which are all the connections between the points in the equidistant line, and the critical points.
    • added relationship between equidistant points, connections, critical points, and baseline feature classes
    • The "point type" column in the "mid points" output has been updated. The old "point type"  "tripoint" has been split into "turning point" and "tripoint". The new "tripoint" type will only be set on the tripoint between different feature classes. If the input are feature classes with one country pr feature class, the points with type "tripoint" will be the tripoint between the countries. The "turning point" is a point with the same distance to three base points, where two of the points are to the same feature class.
    • Removed output type "tripoint". (you can get the same information from the "Mid points" output)
    • Removed output type "connection polygon" (you can get the same information from the new "Connections" output)
  • Bugfix: Distance polygon will now be set with the correct spatial reference
  • Bugfix: The relation outputs from "Calculate limit line" tools will now check that the relation name is a valid name

 *Maritime Limits tools may now allow tools to overwrite the outputs of a previous run. You can allow this with the general setting found under "Geoprocessing Options"->"General"→"Overwrite the outputs of geoprocessing operations"

If this option is enabled, and the tool finds data with same name, the user will get a warning, and the tool can overwrite the data with the same name.