My project is corrupt. How do I restore it?

Projects can get corrupted if an error occurs while saving the project. This can be errors such as power failure or an external disk being disconnected while saving etc.
You will get an error message saying "Error when reading project projectname" when trying to open the .db file.

You should however be able to restore the project by using the Index.txt file. This is a log-file which contains the file structure and metadata for the project.

We recommend you to backup the project before performing the steps below.

To restore a project:

  1. Open Geocap and go to File > Open > Project
  2. In the Project Open dialog under filename, type in * and press enter (this will make all files visible)
  3. Browse to the db catalog in your corrupt project
  4. Select index.txt and click Open

This will result in a new .db file called repaired.db in your project folder.