amb - Ambient light

amb - Ambient light


amb — Ambient light


amb [dif] [spe] value ; # set ambient light to all actors


Ambient light (from 0 to 1, default 0.2) will tune the amount of light falling on the surface. If a surface is to dark one can increase the ambience. Especially for presentation graphics the ambience can be increased to give brighter visualization.

Ambient light can also be control from the Adjust Appearance icon.


No argument

Give all actors the same ambient value. (Range 0.0-1.0).
For presentation displays it may on some screens be favorous to have a slightly higher ambient value.

dif diffusion

Give all actors the same diffusion value. (Range 0.0-1.0)

spe specular

Give all actors the same specular value. (Range 0.0-1.0)


Ex.1: Setting ambient light to all actors

# ambient light command example
amb .3      ;# Setting all displayed actors to ambient light 0.3