eli - Eliminate points

eli - Eliminate points


eli — Eliminate points


eli [sca | xsca | zsca [keep | und] ] lt | gt | bet | out | ins | iwi | owi | izo | ozo | ocu | owd | rsc | clip | num | cel | bse | und | dfd


Eliminate and / or replace point or scalar values in polydata or grid.
For grids: the grid extension will be the same. The eliminated part will be undetermined. To reduce the extension of a grid use gse.



Elimination is performed on the scalars and replaced on z values.


Elimination is tested on scalars and replaced on the scalars.


Elimination is tested on z values and replaced on the scalar.


Scalar removal does not mean z removal.


Eliminate points of undefined values in scalars.


Use cell scalars for elimination test.

gt value [rvalue]

Eliminate dataset values greater than value [replace by rvalue]. Similar for lt.

gt value [rvalue rsc]

Eliminate dataset values greater than value [replace by rvalue into the scalar]. Similar for lt.

bet value1 value2 [rvalue]

Eliminate dataset values between value1 and value2 [replace by rvalue]


Eliminate points in cells between start and end.

ins hi workspacename [rvalue]

Eliminate points inside the area of grid in workspace workspacename [and replace by rvalue].

out value1 value2 [rvalue]

Eliminate dataset values outside value1 and value2 [replace by rvalue]

out hi

Outside, as for ins hi.


Eliminate data inside the window. The window is displayed by the frame icon.


Eliminate data outside the window. The window is displayed by the frame icon.


Eliminate data inside the zoom window. The zoom window is the visual screen window when operating in 2D mode.


Eliminate data outside the zoom window. The screen must be in 2D mode. See eli izo.

ocu distance

Eliminate data outside the cursor point plus a distance distance.

owd [distance] [name]

Eliminate data outside dataset plus distance in workspace named workdata or name.


Replace with scalars in the replace operation.


Clip polydata exact towards the elimination boundary.


Eliminate and replace until a number.


Eliminate all points that are not_a_number.


Interpolate undefined values in a grid.


Drop field data when eliminating points.


Ex.1: Eliminate by scalars on combined polydata grid

win demo          ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000)
spe bgc whi       ;# Specify background color to white
mak ran 11        ;# Make 11 random points
grp 222 222       ;# Make grid of dimension 222 x 222
mak p             ;# Make polydata
mhi mygrid        ;# Move to mygrid
mak ran 11        ;# Make 11 random points
grp 222 222       ;# Make grid of dimension 222 x 222
mak p             ;# Make polydata
mak rsc mygrid    ;# Replace scalars from mygrid to active
eli sca gt 2500   ;# Eliminate z values when scalars are greater than 2500
map               ;# Map the result polydata grid

The above example produces this image.

Eliminate by scalars

See also

elc - Eliminate and clip, lgo - Logical operation for grids, rep - Replace, und - Undefined change