cam - Camera functionality
cam — Camera position file
cam rea | sto filename ; # read or store a camera position
cam project ; # activate camera position present in the project
Read or store a camera position on a disk file. This feature is similar to adding a camera position on a folder in the project manager.
The project option will apply the camera and its position view that is saved in the project folder
rea filename
Read camera position from file filename.
sto filename
Store camera position to file filename.
project fly [FligthTime] [cstop] [loop]
Fly from present camera position to the activated camera position. Optionally indicate fligth_time, default 3 seconds. cstop means camera stop at each camera position. loop means a contious camera loop between each camera position.
project fly is used in the command object Fight tour.
project [view]
View activated camera position directly. This option may be used as the very first camera command in a workflow in order to get the camera initialized correct. The view option uses a slightly different viewing routine that is present for completeness.
See also
osc - Ortogonal scale, rca - Run camera, win - Window specification