clp - Clip with closed line

clp - Clip with closed line


clp — Clip polydata or grid in workspace towards a closed line.


clp workspacename [ext]


Clipping the grid or triangulated polydataset in workspace with a closed sequential border line in active. The result is a triangulated polydata set with exact border modelling when clipped towards the boundary.



Clip the closed line in active towards the grid or triangulated polydataset in workspace workspacename.


Will only extract (no clipping) all triangles inside the border.


Ex.1: Clipping through a surface with a closed boundary

        ret 10            ;# Restore start window
        spe bgc whi       ;# Specify background color to white
        mak ran 11        ;# Make 11 random points
        grp 22 22         ;# Make grid of dimension 22 x 22
        mhi grid          ;# Move the grid to workspace 'grid'
        mlo boundary      ;# The closed boundary has been digitized on beforehand
        clp grid          ;# Clip the grid towards the digitized boundary
        map               ;# Map the grid
        acp * opa .6      ;# Actor property for current actor, set opacity to 0.6
        col bla           ;# Black color
        poll las          ;# Draw cells including last line

The above example produces this image.

Clipping surface with a closed boundary

See also

clip - Clip dataset, ctp - Cut data with a plane, cut - Cut grid data, elc - Eliminate and clip