poi - Point display
poi — Point display
poi [size] [sel] [val] [fd] [nfo | x | y | z] [use] [col] [sav] [start | stop] [map | type | cep | seq | cnu | ref | pos | loc | cur | txt | rod | num [ncp] | cel | coor | win | lim | pse | cpo]
Display points and information about the points and cells of the active dataset.
Display the points of the active dataset with the current marker symbol. Optionally apply the [size] parameter.
sel | pse selection
Display with a selection frequency. The pse option may be faster for large datasets.
val [xco | yco | zco | sca]
Display the z value of the points, optionally the values of xcoordinate | ycoordinate | zcoordinate | scalar.
[split] fd fielddataname [fielddataname2 ...]
Display the field data values of fielddataname and optionally fielddataname2....
The split argument is used if there are two fielddata references and one wants to split them to each side of the point position. Put the split argument in front of fd.
Put always fd and arguments at the end of the poi command.
val | fd tx2 | tx3 | vec
Display the z value or field data of the points, using text font specification.
- tx2 - Set textfont to 2d font. This is default. The text is overall visible.
- tx3 - Set textfont to 3d font. The text is overall visible.
- vec - Set textfont to 3d vector text font. The text is not visible behind a solid object. Can be slow for many values.
val ... offset offset_value
The point values are displayed with an offset of size offset_value. The offset_value follows the z-direction; i.e. positive values are shifted downwards when the z axis points downwards.
nfo [x | y | z]
Default is that values are displayed in follower mode; e.g. facing the camera. Using the nofollower option nfo the point values will have a fixed orientation according to x | y | z.
Display the end points for all cells.
Use active pointmarker even if it is a large point dataset and greater than the limitation for using the marker symbol.
Display points only within the window frame.
num number
Display point number number.
num ncp [val | ava]
Display the point nearest cursor position. Optionally annotate the value (val) or the sequence number value (ava) at the point.
lim limit
Limit the number of display points to limit. The system has some limits that can be overridden by this argument.
start start_from stop stop_before
Display from start_from to stop_before of the point sequence.
map [range1 range2]
Map the point markers using range values.
ref | pos | loc | cur | txt limit
Display the point marker at one of these system points.
Save displayed point markers in workspace ^sav.
Display vertical lines through the points.
cel number
Display points markers or values for cell number at this cell.
cnu [number]
Display cell numbers in the middle of the cell. Optionally display only the cell number.
seq [cel cell_number]
Will display the point sequence number for the points; either all points or only for a specific cell number.
coor x y z
Display point at coordinate position x y z.
col color
Display in color red/gre/blu/...etc.
Display scalar value at cursor position. Valid for cubes.
type number
Display the markers with type setting. The behavior depends on the point scalars.
Various type numbers
1 - ScaleMode scale_number.
2 - ScaleModeToDataScalingOff
3 - ScaleModeToScaleByVector
4 - ScaleModeToScaleByVectorComponents
5 - ColorModeToColorByScale
6 - ColorModeToColorByScalar
7 - ColorModeToColorByVector
8 - ScaleFactor scale_factor.
9 - Display according to z value
Example of using type number:
#will display size of marker symbol according to scalar value. set scale_factor 2.5 poi type 5 $scale_factor poi type 8 $scale_factor
Display limits
Default marker is the pixel. The max number of markers displayed with pixels is 4000000 found in lst i 64 and changed by val i 64 number.
The other markers have a max display number of 5000 found in lst i 34 and changed by val i 34 number.
Point values have a max display number of 5000 found in lst i 34 and changed by val i 34 number.
Ex.1: Different marker types
# Shows the different marker types. z ;# Erase screen win demo ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000) spe bgc whi ;# Specify background color to white set i 0 ;# Initialize i while {$i lt 8} { ;# While i is lower than 8 (replace lt symbol with correct) spe mar $i ;# set marker symbol (0 to 7) mak ran 3 ;# make random points poi 5 ;# display points with size 5 incr i ;# increment i }
The above example produces this image.
Different point marker types
Ex.1: Marker size according to scalar value
# Marker size depends on scalar value z ;# Erase screen win demo ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000) spe bgc whi ;# Specify background color to white set i 0 ;# Initialize i spe mar sphere ;# Set marker symbol to sphere mak ran 22 ;# Make random points mak ras ;# Make random scalars poi map type 8 .1 ;# Map points with type 8; size depends on scalar value
The above example produces this image.
Marker size depends on scalar value
See also
lin poi , mak poi , pol - Polygon type display , spe mar