pla - Plane generation

pla - Plane generation


pla — Plane generation


pla x | y | z number | [ref] [cur] [rel] [sav]


To generate a plane at various positions within the windows frame.


x | y | z number

Display plane normal to x | y | z axis in position number.

x | y | z ref

Draw plane through the reference point normal to x | y | z axis.

x | y | z cur

Draw plane through the cursor point normal to x | y | z axis.


Use relative coordinates (0.0 - 1.0) within the windows frame.


Save the plane as active dataset.


Ex.1: Draw z plane

z                        ;# Erase screen
win demo                 ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000)
spe bgc whi              ;# Specify background color to white
dra win                  ;# Draw window frame
mak ran 11               ;# Make 11 random points
grp inc 100 100          ;# Make grid with increment 100 x 100
map                      ;# Map 
pla z 2400               ;# Draw a z plane at 2400

The above example produces this image.

z plane and grid within the window frame

See also

acm flat , gen pla , map flat , lin - Line create and draw