map - Map display
map — Map display of dataset
map [nor] [opa] [act] [mct | ctb] [sas | ups] [cel] [nrg] [flat] [dlev] [rng] [nrg] [liw] [drain] [rev] [all]
Mapping scalar values onto the data geometry.
No arguments. Map using the scalars to color the dataset.
Use normal vectors to smooth the display. Takes more time.
opa opacity
To set opacity of an area. Values between 0 and 1.
Apply the active color table specified by the spe ctb ... command.
mct | ctb
Apply the menu color table specified by the spe ctb set ... command.
Save scalar actor. A new scalar set can be immediately updated. See upd option.
Will update the scalar actor made by map sas with the new scalar values.
Map the cells in the dataset using cell scalars in coloring.
Use no regridding (no decimation) when mapping large grids. Only valid for grids because polydata will no be decimated.
flat [z_value]
Make a flat map at z_value, default 0.
dlev display_level
Apply display level in mapping, from 0 (no decimation) to 4 (high decimation and fast display for large grid).
rng range1 range2
Map the color table into the range area.
liw linewith
Map lines using linewith.
Apply a color table usefull for drainage areas with good contrast between adjacent regions.
Reverse the color table when mapping.
Will display all contours even when in 2D mode and the grid is outside the window. Default in 2D mode is that only the grid part that is inside the graphical window is mapped.
Ex.1: Map with color range
z ;# Erase screen win demo ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000) spe bgc whi ;# Specify background color to white mak ran 11 ;# Make 11 random points poi 2 ;# Display points with size 2 grp inc 100 100 ;# Make grid with increment 100 x 100 map rng 2000 3000 ;# Map using range from 2000 to 3000 bol 2 ;# Draw border lines cco rev col bla s 2000 200 3000 tit "Range" ;# Color legend
The above example produces this image.
Color range and legend
Ex.1: Map drainage area
z ;# Erase screen win demo ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000) spe bgc whi ;# Specify background color to white mak ran 22 ;# Make 22 random points grp inc 50 50 ;# Make grid with increment 50 x 50 oco frq 14 col bla liw 1 ;# Draw orthogonal contours oco dar ;# Generate default drainage areas map drain ;# Map the drainage areas using a color table with good color contrast
The above example produces this image.
Color range and legend
See also
acm - Color band mapping , con - Contour using scalars , fco - Fast line color mapping , sma - Spline map , tma - Texture mapping