lco - Line color
lco — Line color
lco i | v | s | n | ms | l [y] [sel value]
Display gridlines with map colors. Valid for stuctured point grids.
i incr
incr is the increment value.
v val1 [val2 val3 ...]
Contour at specific values, val1, val2, ...
s start increment stop
s for step needs three numbers: start, increment and stop The first and last contour will be at start and stop.
n number
Use number contours (levels), equally distributed between the minimum and maximum value.
ms start1 incr1 stop1 start2 incr2 stop2
ms for multiple steps needs six following numbers. The first contour will be at start1, the last at stop2.
Use levels from the last previous contouring operation.
Display grid lines in y-direction.
sel value
Select every value gridline.
Ex.1: Line color map
# Digitize points and draw a b-spline win demo ;# create the demo graphical window mak ran 11 ;# make 11 random points grp 111 111 ;# grid the points into 111 x 111 elements in rows and columns lco n 11 ;# display line colors
The example above produces this map
Line color map of grid
See also
acm - Color band mapping, fco - Fast line color mapping, map - Map display, poll - Polygon display of cells