gen - Generate grid
gen — Generate grid
gen [inc] | [nx ny [nz]] [gse] [gre] - generate grid
gen xbo - generate extra border
gen gpl nx ny [step] - generate grid plane
gen ori - generate origin of grid
gen awi [z] [inc xinc yinc [zinc] ] - adjust window to increments
Generate an empty grid within the graphical window, either surface grid or cube. A quick way to establish a grid that afterwards can be given values and used in various ways.
No arguments, the grid will have the same number of rows and columns as the last grid that set the @nrow @ncol variables.
inc xinc yinc
Generate an empty grid with increments xinc and yinc. The z values of the grid will be 0.
inc sav
Save current increments.
inc ret
Return and set saved increments.
inc spa xinc yinc
Set grid nodes spacing to increments xinc and yinc.
inc calc
Set grid increments to what was previously calculated.
nx ny
Generate an empty grid with nx times ny elements in rows and columns. The z values in the grid will be 0. To fill the grid with random values use the command mak ras i.e make random scalars.
inc xinc yinc zinc
Generate an empty cube with increment xinc and yinc and zinc. The scalar values of the cube will be 0.
nx ny nz
Generate an empty grid with nx times ny times nz elements in rows and columns. The scalar values of the cube will be 0.
Grid select. Select the part of the grid that is inside the graphical window window.
gre workspacename
Replace the grid in workspacename into the active grid. The two grids must have the same dimension and location.
Generate an extra border of boundary cells around the grid or cube. The boundary cells will have no values. For grids one can fill the boundary using the command grp ext.
gpl nx ny [step]
Generate grid plane according to these rules:
- 1, 2 or 3 input points will generate a plane through the points.
- More than 3 input points generate a step plane after a nearest point rule.
- If the step argument is used a step plane is generated in all cases.
ori lo | hi | min | max | zero | cur | z zvalue | x y z
Generate new origin for grid or image.
- lo - lower left corner of window
- hi - upper right corner of window
- min - minimum value of dataset
- max - maximum value of dataset
- cur - set the origin to the cursor position
- z zvalue - shift the z values in grid with zvalue
- x y z - set the origin to x y z
awi [z] [inc xinc yinc [zinc] ]
Adjust window to increments. Secures that the grid window will start and stop at natural grid increment steps. z option is used for z direction as well. The inc options is used for detailed specifications when the increments may be different from previous grids.
Ex.1: Generate grid and cube
# generate a dummy grid and fill it with random scalar values gen 100 100 ; # generate a grid with 100 x 100 elements in rows and columns mak ras ; # mak random scalars into the grid
# generate a dummy cube and fill it with random scalar values win 450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 5000 ; # specify the grid window gen 100 100 50 ; # generate a grid with 100 x 100 x 50 elements in rows, columns and layers mak ras ; # mak random scalars into the cube dis ; # display the cube
The above example produces this image of the generated cube.
Result of the gen command