H. Layer Models and Cross Sections

H. Layer Models and Cross Sections


A layer model is a collection of grids which have the same grid position and resolution. These grids are collected into a layer folder which is of type Generic and has the Schema Layer model.

From a layer model it is possible to create cross section in order to study the interior of the model in an easy way.


Create and display a layer model


Create a layer model

  1. Create a Generic folder and set the schema to Layer Model.
  2. Copy all time grids into this folder and secure the correct ordering from top to bottom by naming them with a prefix number 01 02 03 ... etc.
  3. Right click your layer model and select Zoom to Folder on the time layer model and draw the window frame and axes.
  4. Display all the layers in random colors.
  5. Create a map command that display the color using color range from 1000 to 4200.


Display a layer model

  1. Right click your layer model and select Zoom to Folder
  2. On the main toolbar click the and icons.
  3. Make sure your layer model is selected in the project, then go to your Toolbox and run the Display command. Notice that the grids are displayed in random colors.
  4. Click the icon until only the frame and axes are displayed and no grids are displayed.
  5. Right click your layer model and select Utilities > Map smooth with same color range
  6. In your Toolbox execute the Map legend under Shared Commands > Visualization

Layers mapped with the same color range



Check and truncate the layer model.

  1. Clear your screen by clicking the icon.
  2. Visualize the layers one by one to see if there is any overlap.
  3. Right click your layer model and select Utilities >Check and truncate layers from top and downwards.
  4. Keep the default settings and click Execute to perform truncation from top and downwards.

Note that the truncation will overwrite your existing layer model. Thus you should create a copy of your layer model before performing this on your own data.

Cross sections

Having a layer model it is possible to make cross sections through any part of the model. In order to quickly create cross sections and perform other calculations we need to have layer model in workspace 


Create a fence of cross sections

  1. Right click your layer model and run the command Initialize the layer model into Workspace. The layer model grids are read into workspace for fast retrieval.

  2. Create a new Generic folder and give it the name Cross sections and set the schema to Cross sections. Cross section commands will now be available on this folder.
  3. Right click the Cross section folder and select Perform cross sections >Display fence type cross section. It will display and save the fence data as crossdata_fence in the Cross section folder.
  4. Clear your screen by clicking the icon
  5. Right click crossdata_fenceIn your Cross section folder and run the commandVertical redisplay from cross section data.
  6. Right click your Cross section folder and run the command Legend for cross section.

Your graphics screen should look similar to the image below.

Cross section fence display

It is possible to create a single cross section, using cursor positions. By using one cursor position it is possible to create a cross section in X or Y direction and by using two cursor positions it is possible to create a cross section in any direction.

Cursor positions are digitized points used as input points for different commands. Cursor positions can be created in different ways:

  • In 2D mode simply click with your left mouse button
  • In 3D mode press y on your keyboard to snap to grids or press j to snap to points (or points on a line)

Create a single cross section

  1. Clear your screen by clicking the icon
  2. Display one of the grids from your layer model
  3. Set Geocap in 2D mode
  4. In the graphics window place your cursor where you want to create a cross section and click with your left mouse button. Notice that a red dot appears where you clicked. This is now the cursor position.
  5. Right click the Cross section folder and select Perform cross sections > X direction cross section from cursor. It will display and save the cross section as crossdata_Xdirection in the Cross section folder.
  6. Right click the Cross section folder and select Perform cross sections > Y direction cross section from cursor. It will display and save the cross section as crossdata_Ydirection in the Cross section folder.

Your graphics screen should look similar to the image below.

Cross section study of the time layer model


Create a single cross section in an arbitrary direction

  1. Clear your screen by clicking the icon
  2. Display one of the grids from your layer model
  3. Set Geocap in 3D mode
  4. In the graphics window place your cursor where you want the cross section to start and press y on your keyboard, then place your cursor where you want the cross section to end and press y on your keyboard.

    Note that only the last cursor position is shown as a red dot but Geocap will remember both.

  5. Right click the Cross section folder and select Perform cross sections > Cross section between two cursor positions. It will display and save the cross section as crossdata_fromAtoB in the Cross section folder.


Layer cube

Another option for fast cross sections is to generate a solid layer cube.


Create a layer cube

  1. Create a new folder under 02_Time data called Cube
  2. Right click your layer model and select Zoom to Folder on the layer model to get the overall layer window.
  3. Right click your layer model folder and select Utilities > Cube generation of all layers
  4. Set the Grid Window to: xmin = -188000, xmax = -47500; ymin = 7864500, ymax = 7959000, zmin = 1000, zmax = 4200
  5. Set the cube grid increments to 500 500 20.
  6. In Result cube browse for the folder 02_Time data / Cube and click OK. The cube should now be stored in your project.
  7. Make sure Save in project has been selected and click Execute.
  8. Apply the Manipulator to display the layers in the cube in a fast way in all directions.

    Setting cursor for cross section action

    • The manipulator is for a cube is activated by cube > Utilities > Manipulator cube display.
  9. Run the manipulator in all directions on the cube.
  10. Display a layer grid to verify that the cross sections from the cube have correct extensions.




Display cross sections from the layer cube

  1. In the folder 02_Time data / Cube right click cubegrid and select Utilities > Manipulator cube display
  2. In the menu that pops up check the Frame box and notice that a plane is displayed with a frame around it.
  3. Check the X radio button and notice that the X plane is displayed with a frame.
  4. Try to click inside the X plane and drag it in the X direction.
  5. Try to activate the Y plane and move this plane

    Setting cursor for cross section action

    If you want to keep a cross section in one direction and create another one in the same direction just click Permanent map
    If you want to get rid of a cross section click on the icon on the toolbar and click on the cross section.


Cross sections displayed from a layer cube