Gridding command arguments

Gridding command arguments


seafloor contour [increment value ] [start startvalue increment stopvalue] [values value1 value2 value3 ...

seafloor refgrid [increment value] [radius value]

seafloor wagridding [increment value ] [radius value] [weightfunction function]


Commands for performing gridding and contouring on grids and points datasets.


contour [increment value ] [start startvalue increment stopvalue] [values value1 value2 value3 ... 

Create contours from the active structured points dataset (DTM). The result contour dataset will be the active dataset after processing.

increment value

Specify the contour levels increment for contouring the grid.

start startvalue increment stopvalue

Specify the startvalue for the first contour level and the stopvalue for the last contour level. The increment is the change in the depth value between the contour levels.

values value1 value2 value3 ...

Specify the actual contour levels to create. Any value(s) can be specified.


refgrid [increment value] [radius value]

Create a reference grid from the active points dataset. The actual window must be set in advance. The result grid dataset will be the active dataset after processing.

increment value

Specify increment for the grid cell size. Default value is 100.

radius value

Specify search radius for the distribution of points. Default value is 500.


wagridding  [increment value ] [radius value] [weightfunction function]

Create a grid (DTM) from the the active dataset using the Weighted Average gridding algorithm. The actual window must be set in advance The result grid dataset will be the active dataset after processing.

increment value

Specify increments for the grid cell size. Default value is 100.

radius value

Specify search radius in number of grid cells. Default value is 2.The value can be set to 0.

weightfunction function

Select one of the functions: constant (1.0), linear (radius-distance)/radius)square ((radius-distance)/radius)2)cubic ((radius-distance)/radius)3)cosinus ((cos(distance/radius)+1)/2)), distance (1/distance), distance_square (1/distance2). The functions distance (1/d) and distance_square (1/d2) are independent of the specified search radius.

The weight functions for search radius 25.


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