2. Seafloor Project

2. Seafloor Project

In this section:


The Seafloor project is strictly organized to be able to build simple user interfaces. When creating new project based on the Seafloor template, a set of schemas and commands are made available for the operator.


The Seafloor project

When creating a new project based on the Seafloor template, a folder structure is created in the left part of the Geocap main window.

The folders are assigned predefined schemas and both specific commands for Seafloor as well as general Geocap commands are made available for the operator.

The main project folders


The Seafloor project is organised with three main folders:

  • The 1. Survey Data folder
  • The 2. Charts folder
  • The 3. Geographics folder


The intention with the number before the folder name is to sort the folders in a logical way, since the Geocap project always sort folders in an numeric sequence.

The 1. Survey Data is a folder is of type Survey.
The 2. Charts is a folder is of type Charts.
The 3. Geographics is a folder is of type Generic.

The Survey and Charts folder types are specific for the Seafloor package, while Generic is a general folder type in Geocap.

It is possible to create several folders of the same kind in a Geocap project.


The Survey Data folder

The Survey Data folder is where to import and work with survey data like XYZ points, single beam data and multibeam data. The schema type for this folder is Survey.

Dependent on the features in the license file there are three main folders:

  • The Multibeam folder
  • The Single Beam folder
  • The XYZ data folder

The Survey Data folder and sub-folders

The Multibeam folder is of type Multibeam and will be available if the license file has a multibeam feature.

The Single Beam folder is of type Single Beam and will be available if the license file has at least a single beam feature.

The XYZ data folder is of type Soundings and will always be available in any Seafloor project. However, the functionality can be limited due to the actual feature in the license file.

It is possible to create several folders of the same kind in a Survey data folder.

The Survey data folder contains a few commands:

  • Create Multibeam folder
  • Create Single Beam folder
  • Create XYZ data (soundings) folder

See description below.

Import survey data

The import of survey data can be done from the corresponding folder type.

  • Multibeam sonar data can be loaded by clicking Import Multibeam Sonar Data from the menu on the Multibeam folder. See section 5. Multibeam for details on how to do this.
  • Single Beam data can be loaded by clicking Import and the the preferred method from the menu on the Single Beam folder. See section 7. Single Beam for details on how to do this.
  • XYZ data data can be loaded by clicking Import and the the preferred method from the menu on the XYZ data folder (Soundings). See section 6. XYZ data (Soundings) for details on how to do this.

Create XYZ data folder

This command will create a new XYZ data (soundings) folder in the project structure.
The command will check on existing folders and create unique folder names only.

Create Single Beam Folder

This command will create a new Single Beam folder in the project structure.
The command will check on existing folders and create unique folder names only.

Create Multibeam Folder

This command will create a new Multibeam folder in the project structure.
The command checks on existing folders and will create unique folder names only.


The Charts folder

The Charts folder is where to work with soundings data after they have been extracted from the Multibeam folder, XYZ folder, and/or Single Beam folder. The schema type for this folder is Charts.

The Charts folder contains two sub-folder types:

  • One or more folders of type Chart.
  • One folder named Reports of type Generic.

The Charts folder and sub-folders

The figure shows the Charts folder containg the Chart folders MainChart, SubChart-1, SubChart-2, SubChart-3 and SubChart-4, and the Reports folder.

Each Chart folder can contain the data items Boundary, Frame, Seafloor and Soundings. During the processing also other data items can be created.

Many Charts folder commands will read or write data sets with the fixed names. Items which should be kept can be copied to a new item name in tye actual Chart folder.

The Reports folder contains the logfile from the executed Seafloor commands. The name of the text item is created from the date, time and command name, for instance a gridding command will make the name "20140505 131847 Gridding Chart".

See section 8. Charts for more details about the Charts folder commands.


The Geographics folder

The Geographics folder is where to store, for instance, cultural data in the Seafloor project. 

The Geographics folder contains three sub-folders:

  • The Border Lines folder.
  • The Coast Lines folder.
  • The Pipe Lines folder

The Geographics folder and sub-folders

All the three folders are of type Generic. There is no specific Seafloor functionality on these folders, just standard Geocap functionality.

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