Importing Wells

Importing Wells


Geocap supports different well formats:

  • ASCII Wells
  • LAS
  • NPD Wellbores
  • Petrel ASCII

All wells must be imported in a folder of type Wells

Importing ASCII Wells

Example of ASCII well import

ASCII well files can have different formatting so it important to make sure the settings fits your file:

  1. Set Adjust header so that header information is not included in the import.
  2. Set the Column separator according to your file.
  3. Set Coordinate format according to your file (X,Y for UTM and deg for decimal degrees).
  4. Set the different column numbers so that the values corresponds with the column.
  5. Set the Separate data sets to Value change and set the Data separator column to the Well name, so that the import will create a new dataset for each well.

Importing LAS

Example of LAS import

The fields marked with * needs to be filled in, while the others are optional.

  1. Fill in the required fields that is missing information
  2. Select the Logs you want to import. Click All to select all.

Importing NPD Wellbores


Importing Petrel ASCII

Follow the steps in Importing LAS

Importing RMS ASCII

Follow the steps in Importing LAS