Geocap provide empty folder structure for various types of projects. This will give you a starting point to get organized with your own project. A project template either gives you a ready made folder structure, or it gives you a suite of folders to choose from.
Create a new, empty project
- File > New > Project
- Select the General template
- Give your project a proper name e.g. ExampleProject_1. Avoid special characters (except <space> _ and -) in these names.
- Select a Directory for your project and observe the total project path, e.g. C:/tmp .
- Click Next.
- Select a Generic folder (or none at all)
- Click Finish
- Check out the folder structure on disk and observe the db-folder. This is where your project stores the main project file and an index file in addition to the project files. The main project file is now C:/tmp/ExampleProject_1/db/ExampleProject_1.db. Never alter or edit the content of this folder - your project may then get corrupted and unreadable.
An empty project may be used for communicating relevant data to colleagues or for analysis and trouble shooting by
For sending parts of a project to us in Geocap support, even only a single dataset, you may copy the dataset (or a folder) from your main project and paste it into this empty project. Then zip and send the disk folder Singlebeam-Example to us.