Each dataset also have an Export entry on the right-click menu where different formats can be selected.
In Seafloor the data can be exported from the 2. Charts folder by the commands Export Chart Data and Export Contours.
Export Chart Data
The Export Chart Data command has the four tabs Polygons, Points, Surfaces and Hill Shade.
In each of the tabs, select which charts to export. For some of the formats there is an option to check the Lat/Lon box when the coordinates should be exported as geographic.
- From the Polygons tab export the Frame and Boundary polygons for the selected chart(s). The best output format is Esri Shapefile Polygons (as Polygon Feature).
- From the Points tab export the Seafloor surface as points for the selected chart(s). The best output format is Esri Shapefile Points (as Point Feature).
- From the Surfaces tab export the Seafloor surface for the selected chart(s). The best output formats are Bathymetry Attributed Grid (BAG) and Geo TIFF.
- From the Hill Shade tab export the Seafloor surface as a hill shade image for the selected chart(s). The output format is Geo TIFF.
- Specify the output directory for the files by clicking the browse button and select folder.
- The file name will (for instance) be Surfacepoints_<Chart Name>.shp. If the file already exist it can be overwritten or a new version can be created. A prefix to the filename can be specified in the input field.
The Export Contours command has the two modes, export as Contour Lines or Contour Areas. For ordinary contour lines, select the first mode.
- In the Chart Name part, select from which charts to create the contours.
- Select the contouring method (Increment) and the increment value, and the other.
- Check the Lat/Lon box when the coordinates should be exported as geographic. The option is not available for all form format types.
- Select if the contours should be saved to a file, to the project, or both. The project object will get the name Contours.
- Select Export Format. The best output format is Esri Shapefile Contours (as Line Feature).
- Specify the output directory for the files by clicking the browse button and select folder.
- The file name will (for instance) be Contours_<Chart Name>.shp. If the file already exist it can be overwritten or a new version can be created. A prefix to the filename can be specified in the input field.
- The contours in the shape file will have the same layer name for all contour line levels. If some contours (for instance every 5th) should be displayed with different line width, it is necessary to do the export 2 times with the different increments, for instance 1 meter and 5 meter increments. When later creating annotation on the contour lines, the operator can decide which contour data set to use, if all contours should have annotation or just every 5th.
From the Geocap main window select Tools > Options …
In the Options menu select Plug-ins in the left part. In the Plug-ins part, check the box for DataLink for ArcGIS.
Below the Plug-ins part the ArcGIS version must be selected. The latest version is 10.3.
Then click the Apply or OK buttons to activate the module. Next time Geocap is started after exit, the module will be automatically loaded. If the 64-bit version is started, the module will just be ignored.
One of the preparations before the copying is to create the datasets which should be presented in the map.
- Boundary: Execute the Make Boundary and Holes command to create the Boundary dataset (outline) around the input points or the generated surface (Seafloor).
- Contours: Execute the Export Contours command to create a Contours dataset for the chart. Note that if you want to have two contour data sets (see the text in section Export Contours) the command must be executed two times, and the first Contours data set must be renamed before executing the command the second time.
Then a menu opens for setting parameters for the different datatypes Points, Lines and Surfaces.
Copy Point data as:
- Export as Point Feature or Multipoint Feature. To copy as Multipoint Feature it will be faster to copy the data, but if the each points will be labeled with depth value, the Point Feature class is required.
- Add Z value of points as fields in feature class: To be able to print the depth value in a map, the Z value must be a column in the attribute table.