Outline: Check (set) this option to generate the result outline (Boundaryboundary) polygon.
- Keep all outline polygons: Do not filter away any polygon.
- Remove small outline polygons: Use filter to remove "noisy" polygons from the data. Specify number of Buffer circles for the size if the polygons. If the option is to create boundary from the Seafloor, the size of one Grid cell is used as the smallest unit.
Select from the list which datasets to apply. dataset(s) to apply. When the From Points options is selected, the input dataset(s) will be of type Poly Data and Pointcloud. For the From Surface option, the dataset will be a surface (Structured Points)
The output file with the generated outline o.utline polygon will be saved under each chart with the name 'dataset_name'_outline and the holes polygon will be saved as 'dataset_name'_holes.