


The Geocap Seafloor platform contains tools for effective processing of hydrographic data. The input data can be XYZ points, multibeam or single beam data, in a multitude of formats. All data are stored within a Geocap Project, where all the functionalty is available.

The user documentation contains eleven sections:

  • Section 1. Seafloor Main Menu describes how to use Geocap Seafloor from the main menu where the most important (most used) functionality is gathered.
  • Section 2. Seafloor Project describes how the Seafloor project is organized. The section also describes how to import and work with survey data like XYZ points, single beam data and multibeam data. The survey data sets themselves are saved as subfolders below a folder with schema type Survey.
  • Section 3. Create and modify charts describes the tools for defining the area of interest (chart) to work with selected data. A chart is saved in a folder with schema type Charts.
  • Section 5. Multibeam describes all tools for the multibeam data. A multibeam folder has a schema type Multibeam and is located under a folder with schema type Survey.
  • Section 6. XYZ data (Soundings) describes all tools for the XYZ (soundings) data. A  XYZ data folder has a schema type Soundings and is located under a folder with schema type Survey.
  • Section 7. Single Beam describes all tools for the single beam data. A single beam folder has a schema type Single Beam and is located under a folder with schema type Survey.
  • Section 8. Charts describes tools located on a folder of type Charts. Typically tools as gridding, display and export can be found.
  • Section 9. Surface cut/fill volumetrics described how to do volume calculation between two grids or between one grid and polygons describing the cut plane.



To use the Geocap Seafloor package it is required that the license file contains one of the seafloor features.

  • seafloorbasic: This feature is the Shelf license feature. This opens the Seafloor project structure and some of the basic Seafloor functionality.
  • seafloorsingle: This feature is a limited Seafloor Single Beam license feature. This opens the Seafloor project structure and some of the Seafloor functionality, like single beam processing tools. The Single Beam license will not have any seismic import.
  • seafloormulti: This feature opens all functionality in the Seafloor package. In addition to the XYZ feature, this also contains functionality for processing multibeam sonar datagrams. This is now the standard key for a Seafloor package.
  • seafloorwci: This feature opens the multibeam water column interpretation functionality in the Seafloor package. The license feature is dependent on the seafloormulti feature to work. The water column import and processing tools are available from Geocap version 7.

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