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*In this section:* {toc} h2. Introduction The *Create and Modify Charts* command can create new charts or modify existing charts in folders with schema type *Charts*. The default name of such a folder is *2. Charts*. A *Chart* is the area of interest for doing terrain modelling, analysis, contouring and so on. It could also be the definition of a nautical chart. The position and size of the chart frame can be entered in different ways. The *Chart* will be a folder with schema type *Chart*, where datasets with predefined names will be created: - *Frame*: A polygon containing the chart definitions. - *Soundings*: A point dataset containing extracted points within the chart frame. - *Seafloor*: A DTM (digital terrain model) created from the *Soundings* dataset. - *Boundary*: A help polygon used when creating the DTM. The polygon can be created automatically from the *Soundings* dataset or digitised by hand. \\ !att:_img_sea^Create_and_Modify_Chart.png|width=500! _The Create and Modify Chart menu_ {pagebreak} h2. The content of the menu The upper part of the menu contains the project name and the name of the active *Charts* folder. Next to the text there is a *Show Chart properties* button. When clicking this button the existing charts in the folder are listed in a panel. The main part of the menu contains tabs with different operations. *Tabs{*}_:_ \- *Create Single Chart*: Create new charts with unique names. \- _C{_}{*}reate Matrix of Charts*: Create new charts within an existing chart. \- *Create Charts along Line*: Create charts positioned along a specified trace line. \- *Modify Chart*: Change the frame position, size or name of an existing chart. \- *Miscellaneous*: This tab contains tools to rename or delete charts, import or export chart definitions. The lower part of the menu contains the standard Geocap buttons: The *Execute* button will execute the selected method. The *OK* button will save the parameters in the menu and close the menu. The *Cancel* button will close the menu without saving the parameters. {pagebreak} h2. The parameters for the Create Single Chart tab \\ !att:_img_sea^Create_and_Modify_Chart_tab_Single_Chart.png|width=500! \\ *Chart name*: Enter the name of the new charts. Duplicate names are not allowed. The *Copy Existing Chart* button: When clicking this button the chart definition can be copied from an existing chart. The *Chart Frame* part: The size of the chart can be entered manually by specifying the values in the the input fields - \- _Min X_, _Max X_ or _Width_ for eastings \- _Min Y_, _Max Y_ or _Height_ for northings All the fields will be updated and kept consistent during the input. The *Scale to Survey Data* button: When clicking this button the chart frame size can be set around specific data files. The *Select Survey Data* menu appears and you can browse to the input files. When clicking *OK* the menu will read the specified files and set the chart frame with nice values around the data. \\ The *Scale to active window* button: When clicking this button the chart frame size can be set around the active data area. The *Draw Chart Frame* button: When clicking this button the Chart Frame will be plotted in red colour in the 3D window. \\ When clicking the *Execute* button, the command will create a folder of type *Chart* with the specified chart name in the *2. Charts* folder. A *Frame* data object will then be created in the folder. The coordinates and the size of the chart will be saved in the chart's properties panel. _Note:_ If the chart already exists, the function will not do any actions. {pagebreak} h2. The parameters for the Create Matrix of Charts tab \\ !att:_img_sea^Create_and_Modify_Chart_tab_Matrix.png|width=500! \\ This method is for creating new charts within an existing chart definition. This method is useful if a chart should be split into smaller sections. The *Master Chart* part: The specification of the selected master chart. The *Select Master Char{*}t button: When clicking this button the existing charts are listed in a menu. Select one chart as the master chart. The information is updated automatically. The *New charts* part: Enter the prefix for the new chart names. The charts will be numbered with the style as specified with the *Ext* option. The numbering will be "1, 2, 3" , "01, 02, 03" or "001, 002, 003". "Automatic" will set the numbering according to the number of new charts. The *Specify how* part: Select *By number of rows and columns* or *By chart geometry*. The frame specification to the right will change according to the selection. Specify either the number of *Rows and columns*, or the *Geometry* as width and height of the new charts. When clicking the *Execute* button, the command will create charts folders with the generated chart names in the *2. Charts* folder. A *Frame* data object will then be created in the folder. The coordinates and the size of the chart will be saved in the chart's properties panel. _Note:_ If the chart already exists, the function will not do any actions. {pagebreak} h2. The parameters for the Create Charts along Line tab \\ !att:_img_sea^Create_and_Modify_Chart_tab_Along_Line.png|width=500! \\ This method is for creating new charts along a specified trace line. The *Select Line for Chart generation and name of new charts* part: This is useful when a set of charts should cover a line. The input field is for selecting the path name for the selected line. Click the browse button to get the path line from the project manager. Browse in the selected line path to follow. The *Name* part: Enter the prefix for the new chart names. The charts will be numbered with the style as specified with the *Ext*: option. The numbering will be "1, 2, 3" , "01, 02, 03" or "001, 002, 003". "Automatic" will set the numbering according to the number of new charts. The *Specify dimension and overlap of charts* part: The size of the chart can be entered manually by specifying the values in the the input fields: _\-_ *Width* for the dimension in east \(x) direction. _\-_ *Height* for the dimension in north \(y) direction. _\-_ *Chart overlap* for the overlap between the charts along the path line. The *Save Charts* toggle button: Toggle the button *off* to test the charts generation. The charts are displayed in the graphics window. Toggle the button *on* to do the charts generation. When clicking the *Execute* button, the command will create charts folders with the generated chart names in the *2. Charts* folder. A *Frame* data object will then be created in the folder. The coordinates and the size of the chart will be saved in the chart's properties panel. _Note:_ If the chart already exists, the function will not do any actions. {pagebreak} h2. The parameters for the Modify Chart tab \\ !att:_img_sea^Create_and_Modify_Chart_tab_Modify.png|width=500! \\ This method is for changing the definition of existing charts. The *Chart to modify* button: Click the button to browse an existing chart. The *New chart name?* Enter the new chart name for the selected chart. If left blank the chart name will remain unchanged. The *Chart Frame* part: The size of the chart can be entered manually by specifying the values in the the input fields - \- _Min X_, _Max X_ or _Width_ for eastings \- _Min Y_, _Max Y_ or _Height_ for northings All the fields will be updated and kept consistent during the input. The *Scale to Survey Data* button: When clicking this button the chart frame size can be set around specific data files. The *Select Survey Data* menu appears and you can browse to the input files. When clicking *OK* the menu will read the specified files and set the chart frame with nice values around the data. \\ The *Scale to active window* button: When clicking this button the chart frame size can be set around the active data area. When clicking the *Execute* button, the command will modify the chart in the folder with the specified name. If the name is modified, the folder will be renamed. The *Frame* data object will be updated. The coordinates and the size of the chart will be saved in the chart's properties panel. {pagebreak} h2. The parameters for the Miscellaneous tab \\ !att:_img_sea^Create_and_Modify_Chart_tab_Miscellaneous.png|width=500! \\ In this tab there are some additional tools for the charts. In the *Mode* part the user select which opertion to perform: * *Rename charts* * *Import chart definitions* * *Export chart definitions* * *Delete charts* Parameters for the selected operation can be set in a frame opening below the *Mode* frame. h4. Rename charts In the *Name* input field enter the prefix for the new chart names. The charts will be numbered with the style as specified with the *Ext* option. The numbering will be "1, 2, 3" , "01, 02, 03" or "001, 002, 003". "Automatic" will set the numbering according to the number of new charts. Select which charts to modify in the *Chart Name* list in the right hand side of the tab. When clicking the *Execute* button, the command will modify the chart name and the project folder for the selected charts. If a chart name already exists, a unique name will be created. h4. Import charts definitions In input field in the *Import chart definitions from file* part, the ascii file containing chart definitions is specified. By clicking the !att:_img_icon^folder_open.png! button the file can be browsed from the file system on the computer. The record on the file can contain the following information: {code} Name RefEast RefNorth Width Height Rotation {code} Blank characters in the chart name is not allowd. The _Name_ can be omitted, then the name of the chart willl be *Chart\-* followed by the sequence number for the chart definition in the ascii file. If _Name_ is omitted, then also _Rotation_ can be omitted. Blank records in the file, or records contaning wrong type of information will be skipped. The records can be mixed with 6, 5 or 4 values according to the specifications above. {code} Format: (Name) RefE RefN Width Height Rotation Chart 600590.00 6446150.00 6000.00 5910.00 0.00 600590.00 6446150.00 3000.00 2955.00 0.00 603590.00 6446150.00 3000.00 2955.00 0.00 600590.00 6449105.00 3000.00 2955.00 603590.00 6449105.00 3000.00 2955.00 {code} When clicking the *Execute* button, the command will read the input filer and create the charts as specified. h4. Export charts definitions In input field in the *Export chart definitions from file* part, the name for the ascii to save the chart definitions is specified. By clicking the button the file can be browsed to the file system on the computer. If an existing file is selected the file will be overwritten. When clicking the *Execute* button, the command will read the input filer and create the charts specified. The content of the output file will typically be: {code} Format: (Name) RefE RefN Width Height Rotation Chart 600590.00 6446150.00 6000.00 5910.00 0.00 SubChart-1 600590.00 6446150.00 3000.00 2955.00 0.00 SubChart-2 603590.00 6446150.00 3000.00 2955.00 0.00 SubChart-3 600590.00 6449105.00 3000.00 2955.00 0.00 SubChart-4 603590.00 6449105.00 3000.00 2955.00 0.00 {code} h4. Delete charts Select which charts to delete in the *Chart Name* list in the right hand side of the tab. When clicking the *Execute* button, the command will delete the specified chart folder from the project. A warning message will appear before the ddlete operation is performed. {pagebreak} |
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