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{section} {column:width=70%} h2. Introduction GIM offers several ways to visualize trackings and surfaces depending on what you are looking for and want to achieve. {column} {column:width=30%} \\ \\ *On this page:* {toc} {column} {section} h2. Tracking scan The tracking scan is an excellent tool for evaluating the tracking dataset and see how the stratigraphy in the cube is represented by the tracking. The tracking scan displays a set of inline or crossline trackings with a short time interval, and then displays the next set, making it look like a movie is played through the tracked cube. Open the tracking scan from *Tools* -> *GIM Data Visualization* -> *Surface Interactive*. Select *Seismic Dataset* and *Surface Dataset*. !att:_img_gim^tracking_scan.png|height=400! _Tracking scan menu_ Select the *seismic dataset*, *inline tracking* or *crossline tracking* and select the *tracking dataset*. Adjust the parameter settings to your need: * *Maxium trackings number* {indent}Sets the number of trackings displayed at the same time. {indent} * *Initial display time interval* {indent}Sets the time a set of trackings will be displayed before the next set is displayed. A low number will increase the speed of the scan and a high number will slow it down. {indent} * *Display order* {indent}Sets which direction the trackings should be displayed in. {indent} * *Start tracking slice*/*End tracking slice* {indent}Sets the scan range. Default is the whole cube. {indent} * *Tracking interval* {indent}Sets the amount of trackings to load within the scan range. Default is set to the interval in your tracking dataset. By increasing this number you will reduce the amount of trackings loaded. {indent} * *Display type* {indent}Sets the color of the trackings. Decide on a single color by using *Monochrome*, use a different color for each tracking slice with *Cyclic* or color by amplitude by using *Map*. {indent} Start the scan by clicking the play button. You can pause or stop the scan anytime. Use the plus and minus buttons to increase and decrease the speed. You can also set the scan to loop, which makes it start over again when it has reached the end. To manually scan through the trackings click the pause button and use the arrows to go back and forth. h2. Surface scan Scanning through a GIM surface database is an effective way to familiarize oneself with the 3D stratigraphy. It is also a very effective way to looking through the entire cube evaluating the surfaces based on relief, attribute and shape. The surface scan is most often used to display all surfaces or a set of surfaces in a series, or by displaying surfaces one-by-one. Open the surface scan from *Tools* -> *GIM Data Visualization* -> *Surface Scan*. Select *Seismic Dataset* and *Surface Dataset*. !att:_img_gim^surface_scan.png|height=500! _Surface scan menu_ Parameter settings * *Maximum surfaces number* {indent}The number of surfaces allowed to be displayed at one time. {indent} * *Initial display time interval* {indent}The time a surface will be displayed before the next one is displayed. A low number will increase the speed of the scan and a high number will slow it down. {indent} * *Display order* {indent}Surfaces can either be displayed from bottom of the cube to the top, or from the top of the cube and down. {indent} * *Starting time* {indent}The upper time constraint (z-value) in which to load surfaces. Default value is top of the cube, which in most cases would be 0. {indent} * *Ending time* {indent}The lower time constraint (z-value) in which to load surfaces. Default value is the bottom of the cube. {indent} * *Surface interval* {indent}The interval of surfaces to display. If set to 2, only half of the surfaces will be loaded. {indent} * *Size filter* {indent}The minimum size for a surface that are to be displayed. If set to 0, all surfaces are loaded. A normal value would be 1000, in order to avoid all the small surfaces. {indent} * *Display type* {indent}Surfaces can be mapped on time or attribute, or displayed in a single color. {indent} Enable contours by checking the *Show contour* box and adjusting the appropriate parameters. *{+}Scan one-by-one{+}* The best way to scan through the surfaces one-by-one is to look at them from above in 2D mode. Display the outline of the cube and set the graphics window in 2D. In order to scan through the surfaces set the *Maximum surfaces number* to *1* and the *size filter* to *1000*. Set the display type to map surfaces with time. Start the scan by clicking the play button, and Geocap will display the first surface. If you have generated amplitudes for the surfaces you can switch between displaying time and amplitude by pressing *N* on the keyboard. Go to the next surface by clicking the !att:_img_icon^resultset_last.png! button or the right arrow on the keyboard. Go back with the !att:_img_icon^resultset_first.png! button or the left key on the keyboard. Tag interesting surfaces by pressing *T* on the keyboard or the !att:_img_icon^flag_blue.png! button in the surface scan menu. *{+}Display multiple surfaces{+}* It can often be valuable to display several or all of the surfaces to get familiarized with the 3D surface database. A good way to do this is to display the 500-1000 biggest surfaces. The appropriate settings required to achieve this will of course vary from cube to cube, but a good starting point would be to set the *size filter* to *2000* and the *maximum surface number* to *1000*. Click the play button and wait for the surfaces to start loading. This can take some time depending on the speed of your computer. When the surfaces have been loaded Geocap will start displaying them. You can see the amount of surfaces loaded at the bottom of the GIM surface scan menu. If the number of loaded surfaces is: * *Less than 500* {indent}Try reducing the *size filter* to *1000*. You need to re-load the surfaces by clicking the stop button and then the play button again. {indent} * *1000* {indent}It probably means that Geocap stopped loading surfaces before reaching the top of the cube because of the *maximum surface number*. Try to increase the *size filter* to *3000*, or increase the *maximum surface number* if you want to load more than *1000* surfaces. {indent} h2. Surface interactive Surface interactive lets you display surfaces by clicking on seismic reflectors in the graphical window. Go to *Tools* \-> *GIM Data Visualization* \-> *Surface Interactive*. Select *Seismic Dataset* and *Surface Dataset*. !att:_img_gim^surface_interactive.png|height=400! _Surface interactive menu_ Adjust the following parameters to your need: * *Display Type* {indent}*Map* time or attribute, display in a single *Monochrome* color or display in different colors using *Cyclic*. {indent} * *Show Type* {indent}If set to *Single* the previous selected surface will be removed before displaying a new surface. *Multi* will keep displayed surfaces in the graphics window when displaying new surfaces. {indent} * *Color Table* {indent}Sets the color table used when mapping a surface. {indent} * *Maximum Offset* {indent}Sets the time interval above and below your pick where it will look for surfaces. {indent} To start displaying surfaces interactively click *Begin* and go to the graphics winodow. Display a surface by positioning the cursor on a reflector and clicking *Y* on the keyboard. It is possible to create attributes, such as amplitude, RMS and facies on picked surfaces. Select attribute type and parameters and click the !att:_img_icon^color_wheel.png! button. It is also possible to tag surfaces for export to disk, project etc. Click the !att:_img_icon^flag_blue.png! button to tag a surface. h2. From list Display from list is great to use when you want to display the tracking for a specific inline or crossline, or display a specific surface which you know the number of. Select a *Seismic dataset* and then *Inline tracking*, *Crossline tracking* or *Surfaces* as type, and select the *dataset*. Select one entry (tracking slice or a surface) to display and click *Display*. For tracking data you can display *Horizon*, *Positive through* or *Negative peak*. Select the color by using the *Palette*. For surfaces you can *Map* by time or attribute, or display in a single color by using *Monochrome*. |
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