# Apply the command *Gridding > Gridding points, lines and faults* and activate it on the proper interpretation lines.
* Don't alter type of input data (under development). Use default: *Single points*.
* Click *Use active window* to get the _project window_ into the _grid window_.
* Set the x and y _increment_ to 500. Click *Adjust to Increment* to secure that the grid window is adjusted to the increments. If the grid window changes update the _project window_ in *Project Settings*. It is an recommended that the _project window_ and _grid window_ are equal and adjusted to the grid incrments.
* Click *Calculate* to get number of elements in rows and columns: *282 x 190*
* Go to the *Fault Input* tab.
* Check in *Closed stick faults* and browse in: *{Course B1} / {02_Time data} Faults CorrectedClosedFaults*
* Clik *Test* at bottom to do the blanking test. The fault polygon should be filled inside. No lines outside.
* Go to the *Grid options* tab.
* Check in *Use reference grid or outline* and browse in: *{Course B1} / 01_Cultural Boundary border_line*